This week, I retested and finalized the LEDs and temperature sensor work I had done last week. I made sure that the temperature sensor was calibrated, since originally I was using too low of a resistor so the readings were off. We also had another hot pot session this week, this time we dropped food into the strainers so we can use that video to help with the CV. Also during this hot pot, I was able to test the temperature sensor in the water and confirmed that it was reading the temperature just time, and it was as waterproof as advertised. The bulk of my work this week was focused on getting the motors set up. Unfortunately, we realized that the wires we had were not suitable for connecting the CNC shield to the power, so I wasn’t able to actually test them, but I did find a good tutorial on how to actually code the motors, since the CNC shield covers the Arduino completely and I didn’t know what pins I should code as what. Seeing as how I wasn’t able to start testing the motors, I also started looking into creating a UI, since Shane and I may swap that since he’s been helping me a lot with the CNC shield/motors. I also started looking into what is necessary to download on the Arduino (if anything) to interface between that and the Jetson Nano, since we need to start integrating soon.
I do feel maybe a smidge behind, since I wasn’t able to get the motor functionality fulled fleshed out, but since I’ve started to get ahead on a few other tasks I had in mind, I am not worried in the slightest. To catch up, I will make sure we get in the proper wires ASAP, so I can start testing the motors. If those do not come in quickly, I can skip ahead in the schedule and work on the touch screen more.
In the next week, I hope to get in the wires I need and test out the motor code and make sure it works. I also hope to meet up with Shane, since he is getting the strainer mechanism set up, and test that the motor is strong enough for our set up. I also want to work more on the UI with the touch screen, so I can start to get that out of the way, since that is our main back up plain if the Nano fails.