Team Status Report for 5/8

This week,  all of us met in person to finish integrating our individual work into one project, while each of us finished up the remaining tasks that were left to do for the individual subsystems. Kanon and Hiroko did more testing on the greenhouse control system to make sure that users can control all environmental variables including the heating, soil moisture, and lighting schedule.  Sarah and Kanon worked on getting the live stream of the plant into the website.

Sarah prepared for and presented the final presentation this week to the whole capstone section. We also created our final poster, and started working on our video. We individually recorded our audio, so we only have to get the visuals (pictures, diagrams, and video clips) together for the video to be finished.

We are all on schedule so next week, we will work on the final report, and get ready for the final demo.

Hiroko’s Status Report for 5/8

This week,  all of us met in person to finish integrating our individual work into one project. Kanon and I did more testing on the greenhouse control system to make sure that users can control all environmental variables including the heating, soil moisture, and lighting schedule. I also worked with Sarah to integrate the Raspberry Pi and camera into the greenhouse system.

We also created our final poster, and started working on our video. We individually recorded our audio and I pasted them together on iMovie, so we only have to get the visuals (pictures, diagrams, and video clips) together for the video to be finished.

Next week, we will work on the final report, and get ready for the final demo.

Kanon’s Status Report for 5/8

This week,  we all met in person and focused on combining our own parts into one to produce our final product. I also implemented a functionality on the website where you can set your lighting schedule (pic:

Hiroko and I had another testing process to make sure that users can control all parameters including heating, soil moisture, and lighting schedule. I also worked with Sarah to integrate her live stream onto the website.

Because our final demo is coming up next week, we also created our final poster. We had a bit of hard time to integrate all the information within one page because we had a lot of materials that we wanted to cover. We also started to make our video and are hoping to finish it by Sunday.

Next week, I will be working on the final report and summarize how much money I have used within AWS credits.

Sarah’s Status Report for 5/8

This week, the team prepared for the final presentation, and I presented it. We met on Friday to embed the live stream onto the website and to have the RPi CV application run when the hardware and website are up. I created a video script for the CV application part of the demo and took images and videos of the CV application at work. I worked with Kanon to get the live stream into the website, and it was a simple embedding an HTML iframe tag and referencing the localhost the video could be browsed on to the bottom of the website. The team also completed the final poster, and Kanon and I connected our block diagrams to show the full integration of the CV application onto the website and through SMS.

I was able to catch up and complete the remaining tasks for the CV application and its integration to the whole greenhouse. All of our components are working, and we are ready for the public demo.

Next week, I hope to add the testing results, the changes on the schedule and design, and overview of the project and class into the final report. My team and I will also prepare for questions or demonstrations that may be requested in the public demo.

Team Status Report for 5/1

This week, the team worked on putting all the components together. Kanon and  Hiroko worked on the communications between the website and the hardware, and recorded the test results to verify metrics have been met. Sarah came over to the greenhouse and recalibrated the CV application parameters based on the different lighting and picture quality from placing the plants in the greenhouse.

Some risks that we encountered this week were making the soil moisture sensors waterproof. Hiroko was able to find some heat shrinks in the ECE department and use that for the soil moisture. Sarah currently has a large false positive and negative rate on the dark spotting disease detection, so she is going to cover the area surrounding the plant with white paper to get more accurate testing results.

There were slight software infrastructure changes made to the CV Application. Instead of finding a stem, Sarah decided to measure bending by measuring the angle between the Y-axis and the line between the flower to the plant center, since this was a much more efficient and accurate way to detect stem bending. She has changed that in her block diagram.

We are on task so far, and Sarah and Kanon’s collaboration to embed the live stream on the website is the only thing pushed to this upcoming week.

Sarah’s Status Report for 5/1

This week, the team worked on combining all the components together. I went to Hiroko’s place in the beginning of the week and recalibrated some of the HSV filters and edge detection to work with the background of the greenhouse and the UV lighting. Because some of the flowers that I brought from home were withering, I went to buy more flowers and plants to test under the greenhouse. I tested my growth stage classifier with the current pea shoots I have and with images of the pea shoots from sprouting to maturity. I also tested this component with the new flowers I bought to make sure that the flower and fruit detection were working for the growth stage classifier. For the disease and withering detection, I tested this on my peashoots, withering Pansy flower plants and the new flower plants I bought. For the stem detection, I tested this with the old and new flowers I have.

I am slightly behind on my tasks, as I need to work with Kanon this week to embed the live stream onto the website. I also would’ve liked get the CV application to automatically run when the RPi boots but I will work on that next week.

Before the final deadline for the poster, video, and report, I will be working on a script that turns on the CV application automatically when the RPi boots. Once I get those tasks done, I will try to recalibrate the disease finder, because the false positive and negative rates are too high as of now.

Hiroko’s Status Report for 5/1

This week, I worked on testing and measuring the data transmission speed between the software and hardware, waterproofed the soil moisture sensors, and worked on the final presentation slides.

Kanon and I worked on testing and measuring the data transmission speed between the website and hardware. In our design review presentation, we had requirements and testing metrics for the data transmission speed and so far, it looks like we meet those requirements.

I contacted Quinn about heat shrink tubes to waterproof the soil moisture sensors, and luckily, there were some for use in the ECE lab. I was able to use the heat shrink tubes to cover up the electrical components on the soil moisture sensor.

So far, I am on schedule. Next week, I plan on finishing up testing the hardware requirements, and start working on the final video/poster.

Kanon’s Status Report for 5/1

This week, I worked on testing the metrics between hardware and web app/database and also created a script to periodically monitor the information of the greenhouse. I also worked on the final presentation slides preparation.

Hiroko and I worked on the testing together. We were aiming to have time lag under 1 hour to send the data from web app to ESP32 from our initial presentation. It came out that it only takes around 2 seconds, which was a good surprise. For the transmission between ESP32 and DynamoDB, it also takes around 1 or 15 seconds. It seems like it takes around 15 seconds when we are on different wifi and 1 second when we are on the same wifi. However, because the time different seems so big, Hiroko and I are planning to test this out again this weekend.

My new script should constantly get the information of the greenhouse every 15 minutes. Once the user’s preferred goals are set, the script should detect this change and send appropriate signal to ESP32.

So far, I am on schedule. Next week, I will meet with Sarah in person and try to integrate her live video into the website. I am also aiming to improve the webUI because it seems a bit blunt right now if I have time.

Team Status Report for 4/24

Last week and this week, we prepared for interim demo, ethics assignment, and also worked on our individual components. Hiroko had some trouble this week because the junction box for assembling hardware did not arrive on time. This delays Hiroko&Kanon’s testing process, which they will immediately start working on starting this week. Kanon refined the website UI based on the surveys she took and improved the backend algorithm so that website and hardwares can communicate more smoothly. Sarah worked on refining her image processing algorithm for the recognition of the diseases. She also implemented Twilio API to notify the user about the plant growth/change.

As a team, we seem to be slightly behind the schedule because of the delay in arrival of the junction box, testing process, and some issues with image processing. We will try to catch up next week by focusing on the testing process. Also, because everyone from the team will be in Pittsburgh, the integration of the entire system should be more smooth.

Kanon’s Status Report for 4/24

This week, I focused on improving the webUI and backend algorithm based on the survey that I took two weeks ago. Our initial design of our website always showed current greenhouse information (i.e. temperature) under “User Settings” box. However, this is very confusing because even if the user saves the new settings, it will always show the current greenhouse information. Professor Gary and some of our survey results also pointed this flaw out, so I created another data model to save user settings. Now the users can actually see their most recent settings under User Settings. The users should now able to turn off/on light through the website, but Hiroko and I did not have time to check this out yet. There was a minor bug related to changing temperature unit, so I also fixed that issue.

Below is how our current website looks like.

Next week, once Hiroko is done setting up her hardwares in the junction box, we will meet up to test the communication between hardware-software once again. Sarah is also coming to setup the CV equipment at Hiroko’s place next week, so we will figure out how we should post the video onto our frontend. So far, I am on schedule, but assembling everything does seems a bit difficult, and I am also getting my second pfizer shot (which seems to have a bad side effect), so I will try to have a head start as soon as possible.