Team Status Report for 5/8

This week,  all of us met in person to finish integrating our individual work into one project, while each of us finished up the remaining tasks that were left to do for the individual subsystems. Kanon and Hiroko did more testing on the greenhouse control system to make sure that users can control all environmental variables including the heating, soil moisture, and lighting schedule.  Sarah and Kanon worked on getting the live stream of the plant into the website.

Sarah prepared for and presented the final presentation this week to the whole capstone section. We also created our final poster, and started working on our video. We individually recorded our audio, so we only have to get the visuals (pictures, diagrams, and video clips) together for the video to be finished.

We are all on schedule so next week, we will work on the final report, and get ready for the final demo.

Team Status Report for 5/1

This week, the team worked on putting all the components together. Kanon and  Hiroko worked on the communications between the website and the hardware, and recorded the test results to verify metrics have been met. Sarah came over to the greenhouse and recalibrated the CV application parameters based on the different lighting and picture quality from placing the plants in the greenhouse.

Some risks that we encountered this week were making the soil moisture sensors waterproof. Hiroko was able to find some heat shrinks in the ECE department and use that for the soil moisture. Sarah currently has a large false positive and negative rate on the dark spotting disease detection, so she is going to cover the area surrounding the plant with white paper to get more accurate testing results.

There were slight software infrastructure changes made to the CV Application. Instead of finding a stem, Sarah decided to measure bending by measuring the angle between the Y-axis and the line between the flower to the plant center, since this was a much more efficient and accurate way to detect stem bending. She has changed that in her block diagram.

We are on task so far, and Sarah and Kanon’s collaboration to embed the live stream on the website is the only thing pushed to this upcoming week.

Team Status Report for 4/24

Last week and this week, we prepared for interim demo, ethics assignment, and also worked on our individual components. Hiroko had some trouble this week because the junction box for assembling hardware did not arrive on time. This delays Hiroko&Kanon’s testing process, which they will immediately start working on starting this week. Kanon refined the website UI based on the surveys she took and improved the backend algorithm so that website and hardwares can communicate more smoothly. Sarah worked on refining her image processing algorithm for the recognition of the diseases. She also implemented Twilio API to notify the user about the plant growth/change.

As a team, we seem to be slightly behind the schedule because of the delay in arrival of the junction box, testing process, and some issues with image processing. We will try to catch up next week by focusing on the testing process. Also, because everyone from the team will be in Pittsburgh, the integration of the entire system should be more smooth.

Team Status Report for 4/10

This week, each of us worked on our individual components to present on the Interim Demo. Sarah finished the fruit/ flower detection and improved it so that it can find the most common types of flowers and fruits by working with the most common flower and fruit colors. Kanon worked on deploying the website onto EC2 and conducted a survey to test the website UI with 5 people. Hiroko adjusted the watering tube to distribute water more evenly to the plants, started adjusting the wires and cords to figure out the specific layout of the electrical components, and did some research on junction boxes on that would be suitable for encompassing the electrical components.

We made some changes to our schedule this week to account for the fact that Sarah will setup the CV application on the greenhouse on April 25th to integrate the Raspberry Pi and the camera into the greenhouse hardware system. We moved the individual system tests to come before the physical integration of the Raspberry Pi and the camera.

We are taking some risks by using the last available week to integrate the Raspberry Pi and the camera into the greenhouse  hardware system since we will not have much time to debug or order new components even though it will be an important part of our greenhouse. We will try to test our individual systems as thoroughly as possible before we try to integrate all of the parts, so we can avoid finding bugs last minute.

In our schedule, we designated some slack time for next week, since we will need to prepare for the interim demo and work on the ethics assignment individually. We will also catch up on some unfinished individual work that we have next week so that we can start testing and integrating the systems the week after.

Team Status Report for 4/3

This week, while we worked on our individual components, we also began to connect those components together. Sarah was able to embed the video to a simple HTML site running on local host, so we are expecting the transition from this to the actual website will be smooth. Hiroko and Kanon worked on the connection of the ESP32 to AWS, and were successfully able to send and receive data. All of us also planted some pea shoots for testing. Sarah was able to test her growth classifier implemented by detecting the sprouting of the pea shoots. Hiroko and Kanon are now able to test the sensors and make adjustments for better pea shoot growth.

Some risks that we need to look out for on the hardware side is to setup the wires and boards safely so that no water, moisture, or biomaterial will touch it. Depending on how the setup goes, we may need to make some containers and use zip ties to tie the hardware to certain parts of the greenhouse. With the TechSpark lab equipment and materials nearby Hiroko and Kanon, we can create containers if necessary. For the computer vision, the background of the greenhouse may be in the way of proper analysis, so to prevent that we will have a monochrome background to mitigate such issues, and Sarah is currently working with a box as her background for the CV analysis. The camera may also be difficult to adjust once it is placed in the greenhouse, so we are considering a RPi camera module stand and mount if we find issues fixing the camera onto the greenhouse.

Sarah had to adjust some parts of the CV implementation systems. Since the real colors of the greenhouse are washed out in night vision, we’ve decided to only have CV analysis going on in daylight when the IR filter is switched back on. We found that it is unnecessary to have the CV running when the users are asleep and when plant growth is very gradual. Further, the leaf and flower detection along with the defect detection will only be applied from the young plant stage to the harvest stage and not in germination, since most defects occur during those growth stages. Kanon had to calibrate some values that the soil moisture sensors read to percentages for user readability, and with the deployment and user testing coming up, she may have to adjust some of the UI. On the hardware side, Hiroko needs to adjust the watering tube so that water is distributed more evenly and adjustments like the making a container may be needed when the system is integrated to the greenhouse this upcoming week.

The schedule is mostly the same, but instead of shipping the RPi and the camera, Sarah has decided to bring the RPi and camera in May. Full integration of the greenhouse is therefore delayed by a week, but that gives us more time to work on our individual components and Sarah setting up the CV equipment herself will save more time for the integration process.

Team Status Report for 3/27

While most of our work was still individual, starting last week, we started to combine our components little by little.

Last week, Hiroko and Kanon worked together to connect ESP32 to AWS components. We are now able to send data from ESP32 by AWS Lambda functions, store the data within AWS DynamoDB, fetch the data and print them on website, and send back data to ESP32 using curl command via our backend.

Hiroko also worked on setting up the hardware devices by soldering them. She also got a relay controlled outlet box to improve our design aesthetic and also user safety. She is now working on connecting sensors properly and calibrate those values.

Sarah had a difficult time because her Raspberry Pi broke last week. However, by borrowing her friend’s RPi, she was able to continue working. She can now show the 24/7 live stream directly on the website frontend. She also tested some openCV functions on real plants and completed the growth stage classifier.

Because there was some unexpected problem such as RPi breaking, we are glad that we made a week of slack within our schedule. There will be no change on the update for our schedule, and we will be still working individually next week to refine each of our components.

Team Status Report for 3/13

This week, we started to work on writing the design review report, and continued implementing our subsystems. We split up sections of the report for each of us to write a draft for, and plan on meeting on Monday to edit a draft of our report.

Hiroko started to physically put the greenhouse together since she received all of her orders, and was able to upload code onto the ESP32 board to read data from the sensors.
Kanon worked on practicing for the design review presentation and setting up dynamoDB.
Sarah connected the IR-Cut camera to the Raspberry Pi, created a webcam connection to the laptop with the MicroSD card, and researched tutorials on how to perform CV analysis on live streaming images.

After receiving feedback from our design review presentation, we’ve realized that we need to figure out how to make sure that water won’t get into the electrical parts within our greenhouse. We might need to design a PCB and/or enclosing case for our electrical parts, which might alter our current design.

There is no update to our schedule, but given that we were all busy and spent a lot of time writing the design review report, we were not able to make as much progress on our individual components as we would have liked to. Next week, we plan on finishing up the design review report, and make further progress working on our individual subsystems.

Team Status Report for 3/6

This week, we all worked on our individual design block diagrams for the design review presentation, looked into more risk factors, and began implementing our components. We also ordered all the materials we need and we have received most of them. We made a list of bills and materials and are working on the design documentation report as well.

Hiroko looked into the sensors she will be working with and ordered all the materials that she needed and picked up a few from Home Depot. Then, she made a visual design of how the greenhouse will look like and created the hardware block diagram which specified all the relays and feedback loops in the system. She also signed up for access to TechSpark in order to solder the sensors to the ESP32 , and hopes to receive some help from TAs to properly soldering the sensors. Kanon created the website login and registration as well as the main page where there is a toggle to change temperature, a switch for turning on/ off the light, a. soil moisture modifier, and a section for putting the live stream video later on.  She also found Twilio, an API aids in notifications and alerts to users, which would help our project significantly. She updated her block diagram with the Twilio API included. Sarah researched the OpenCV modules more, and layed out the algorithms and components she would need to properly implement a CV application for plants. In specific, she figured out HSV Color detection and edge detection for images. She also received her materials and is setting up the hardware to do proper CV analysis.

Some risks we are looking into is receiving the wrong data from the database, and to mitigate this issue we are thinking about either regaining the data before outputting the value to the website or to notify the website if drastic changes take place. We are also hoping that the night vision in the IR-Cut cameras will work properly, but in the case that it does not we will need to reconfigure the LED lights to be on a certain brightness for night vision to work. After testing the OpenCV module, we found it very important that the subject we are analyzing contrasts with the background or the unnecessary components of an image, so we are looking into making a monochrome backdrop in the greenhouse that provides the best contrast. Any unexpected issues that we may come across with the hardware, we have decided that our system will be able to detect and notify the user about it.

We updated our schedule a bit to figure out when to start planting the pea shoots and which tests we will be conducting on which days. We’ve decided that we would plant the pea shoots a week before testing, as it takes around 7 days for pea shoots to sprout and grow. Below are also some images of visible progress.


Web site progress:

Team Status Report for 2/27

This week, we focused on the refinement of our design so that we can get prepared for the design review presentation for next next week. As we focused on each of our parts, we hope to talk about our ideas on Monday/Wednesday to put them all together.

Hiroko worked on her hardware component, coming up with a block diagram and shopping list which helped us go over the scope of the project and organize what we really need.

Sarah has downloaded OpenCV and started to go through some tutorials and learn basic algorithms such as edge and color detection.  She will continue learning algorithms and OpenCV functionalities next week to get more specific ideas for the project.

Kanon has implemented OAuth to web application and will work more on the design and web development next week. She will also look into AWS database installation and pricing.

Next week, we will start ordering the parts we need and ask TA/Professor about borrowing Raspberry PI boards so that we can get started on building up hardware systems.

Team Status Report for 2/20

The significant risks that we face at this point in our project is to make the scope too large or too small, and to misjudge the requirements that we determine are necessary for our greenhouse to be effective. In order to manage these risks, we are doing as much research as we can, and making sure that we communicate with each other so that we are all on the same page about the envisionment of the final product. Also, we are planning to discuss and reflect the feedback that we get from our project proposal presentation to ensure that our scope, requirements, and overall future plans are on track.
This week, we came up with a more concrete design of our system with more quantitative requirements and testing metrics to add to the project proposal presentation. We also created a broad schedule to split up the work between each team member and into smaller tasks.