We wrote our initial proposal presentation and presented on Monday. This week, we debated our final design after reading our presentation feedback. We discussed more about how we plan to interpret the data and also found studies done online which look into different ways to interpret this kind of data for driving infractions. Our team solidified our parts list which we will be sending out on TAs before class on Monday. In terms of design, we decided to stick with the PiCan port and add a GPS to our system to track the user’s location and correlate it with Google Maps API data. We updated our GANTT chart to account for delays in the ordering process. For software, we requested AWS credits to help run our website on the backend and set up our Google Maps API and received an API token we can use for the rest of the project. Next week, we plan to make more progress on our individual tasks. This entails, having a working webpage, and starting to setup the Raspberry Pi for receiving and sending data from the OBD-II after our parts are received.