This week I worked on the enclosure more and added more OBDII signals to the car end. The enclosure I laser cut last week was too small for our device and the base was not ideal for my car, so I made the enclosure larger, so that is now finalized. I checked for error signals which can be stored in the database now – these include engine lights and mechanic’s warnings. I also helped with the API for the speed limit and used the Open StreetView API and fed in points that we found using our antenna to generate results. I worked with Ryan closely to make sure our two systems worked alongside each other – correct values were being passed to the database after conducting more tests using my car. Our testing went well and I am confident that the OBDII codes subsystem are being placed in the SQLite database in the correct places. I also added error checking for OBDII codes that are out of range, as sometimes the on-board computer returns zeros very occasionally – in these cases I return the last recorded legitimate code so the database doesn’t include spikes that would set off false infractions.