Team Status Report for 3/27

This week our team set up a working environment in Samraj’s garage for testing our individual parts. We each split into our own section of the project, Ryan was able to set up the SQLite database and finish some of the infraction algorithms, Reid saw some OBDII data on the RaspberryPi, and Samraj set up the server for real time notifications on the web application side. Since the OBDII part of the project is crucial to our MVP, Samraj also assisted Reid on looking for the data and researching the PiCan device. We think we’re a small bit behind schedule because we are not seeing a constant stream of data from the OBD2 port yet, which is where we would have liked to be at this point in our project. But we are confident with soldering tomorrow at TechSpark we will be able to fix the problem and see a data stream. We also realized we might need to sample the steering wheel angle non-standard PID more than once per second since a turn can happen in that window of time. For purchases, we recently had to repurchase the GPS because the GPS was not originally delivered properly to Reid’s house, and a VGA extension cable to the car can be further from our workstation.

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