This week we spent time preparing our Design Review presentation. This process involved us planning out each aspect of our project in detail and now we have a very clear understanding of what we need to do and how it will be accomplished. One issue we discovered in the process is that the seatbelt sensors are not readily available through the OBD-II data stream, so we may not be able to use this as an infraction check. We have also received all of our required parts, so we are beginning to setup the Raspberry Pi and PiCan for some preliminary tests to see if we can read and print out a basic data stream from the OBD-II port of the car. Once this is successful, we can start the process of filtering the output and storing it for analytics and the webpage. Another task we are beginning to research and work on is our OBD-II test bench. We need to be able to simulate a data stream for testing so that we can feed this into our infraction checker to make sure it is working correctly. Creating this simulation involves us doing more research into how the data output is formatted so we can replicate it as needed. Next week, we plan to continue working on these group tasks and make good progress in OBD-II logging, infraction algorithms, and setting up the backend system for when the data is ready.