This week, the parts started coming in so I was able to setup our Drivaid hardware in my car. I connected the RPi and the PiCan and connected that to the VGA – OBD2 cable in my car. I wrote some code for the Raspberry Pi to ping the PiCan for each PID we are looking for (velocity, engine lights, etc.) every second and store that data in the program. I also connected the UBEC to the PiCan but I am still looking into options for how to connect the ground and +12V wires to the cigarette lighter port. I am looking into how we can create a SQLite database in the Pi’s memory but I am still waiting on an Ethernet cable and adapter so I can interface with my laptop. Overall, I just need the small parts to come in that connect our project that I overlooked in the original parts list but our design is coming together. In the meantime, I also started designing a simple enclosure for our RaspberryPi and PiCan with appropriate cutouts for VGA, two Micro USB ports, and the USB ports on the Pi. This enclosure ensures that our device fits well within my car and doesn’t move around when testing.