Sai’s Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week, I started thinking about how to MediaRecorder API with our django web app, and the best way to send back the audio recording to the django server and how to store it. I was able to use the MediaRecorder functionality in the javascript file of our html + css + js frontend and got the basic recording and playback feature implemented:

I have also set up the data model to store the recording for a user for a given lesson in the Lesson Model:

 I have planned to link this model to a form that will send the audio recording back to the server as a POST request. This still needs needs to be implemented in code and tested. That’s one of the tasks I plan to complete earlier in this week.

I am still behind schedule, as I planned to be working on setting up the feedback page for the user’s audio recordings but hopefully, if I can manage to finish being able to record a user’s audio and store it, and pass it back to our pitch detection algorithm in the backend, I will immediately start working on the feedback generation and rendering at the end of this week and hopefully get that done before the interim demo.


Funmbi’s post: 4/3/2021

This week I worked on finishing the theory for the user to read to practice the music exercises that I created last week. I had to study a lot of different sites to compile the theory and as well as consider the information that would be important to a beginner. I also worked on fixing the java script compatibility issues when running our program on the Django Framework. So now I have the  exercises corresponding to the lessons on the base template html.

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