Weekly Status Reports: 3/27/2021

This past 2 weeks, we started working on the bulk of the project. The headphones that we would be testing our website on was ordered and has arrived so we can do some testing before the interim demo. Some risks that we have run into and are likely.

While testing our project, in an attempt to run it using the Django Framework we realized Django was not recognizing one of our APIs and there might be an extra step to allow for external APIs to run on Django that we were not aware of, which took time from coding and slowed us down a little, but we would be meeting with a Web Development Professor at Carnegie Mellon with hopes to get it all ironed out before next week. Also while working we are also realizing the risk of time management. Spending time on the little bugs affecting the time we could spend on ironing out the bone structure without going into the complexities of our app. To handle that, we are currently working to make the basic app work on small tasks and hope to build on from there once we have the basic tasks working correctly.

We made one major change to our system spec. While testing the third party implementation of the Yin PDAwe realized the programmer did not implement all the steps required and so we discovered it did not meet the level of accuracy we expected to pass our requirements. In addition the code was also difficult to comprehend. For these reasons we have decided to use the Praat tool which runs on a python interface called Parselmouth. based on research we discovered that the Praat tool is better than the Yin algorithm, and we have begun working with this tool to implement our pitch detection for our web application.

Based on the changes and what we have implemented so far below is a screenshot of our updated schedule. So far, although slight changes had to be made there is still good hope that we are on track to having a viable product for demo.

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