Elena’s Status Report for 04/03/2021

This week I planned to work on the connections between sub-systems and figure out sending recipes through emails. Unfortunately, I had a fever during the week, and due to the sudden illness, I did not finish everything that I had in my plan.

First, I implemented and eventually tested out the emailing functionality. I am using SMTP in Python to send emails through my Gmail account. My only concern is that both the email address and the password are required for the sender to send the email, which might cause security issues to the sender. Currently, I am putting this information in config.ini and not sharing it when pushing my codes to GitHub/public repository. A screenshot of a successful email sent through SMTP is attached.

For the second part, regarding the connections between sub-systems, I did some research about the projects/previous works including speech and even conversation functionality. For example, I found https://developer.nvidia.com/conversational-ai helped me understand the general pipeline of conversation AI, and https://toptechboy.com/ai-on-the-jetson-nano-lesson-60-make-your-nano-talk-with-text-to-speech/ as a video lesson for better self-practice.

Because of personal health issues, even though I plan to run my own code on Jetson Nano to test a general pipeline, I did not finish it this week. This will make me a bit behind the schedule. In order to catch up with the schedule, I planned to make good use of the time next week, and the week after(spring carnival). I will set a stricter schedule and take care of health issue at the same time so that the happenings will not repeat. For the next week’s deliverables, I plan to add more functionalities to my recommendation part(timestamp), and set up the data processing of the image recognition part.

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