This week, I focused on determining the components of hardware system for the project. I first worked with the team to narrow the scope of our project to focus more on drowsy driving and potentially distracted driving (i.e. using cellphone, looking away). Then after solidifying a plan for the project, first working on eye detection the facial pose analysis, we concluded which components we would need to use for the project. We decided to use the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX as it was the most powerful board with a GPU at our price range. After settling on this decision, I researched the other components we would need for the system. I found a few cameras that would be suitable for our applications but settled on a screen module/camera kit partly due to the price savings. Next I found a suitable sound card, accelerometer, and wifi card. Then I researched what OS to use for the boards as well as potentially SDKs such as Jetpack. Finally, I spent time working on the proposal presentation with my teammates working primarily on the Requirements, Hardware Solution Approach, and Scheduling.