Fred’s Status Report for 4/10/2021

This week:

We finished working on a product to show for our presentation on Monday.

  • I needed to laser print more parts in order to attach the servo and turntable bearing to the base. This involved me learning to use inkscape and laser cutting in order to fully create it.
  • I put more work into the user feedback model. Users can now like or dislike clothes and the rating will be saved in a database. This will be called to in other areas of our project to rate the clothing.
  • Began merging the webscraping and clothing recognition model.

For Next Week

  • Finish working on the user feedback model
  • Work more on the software integration and testing.

Team Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week we received our new servo and tested it out. It fixed all the problems we had with our last servo and it could rotate to fixed degrees so that was one problem we had solved. In addition it was rated stronger so it could handle the loads we needed. So with that we are back on schedule now and we are projected to finish on time.

One small risk we have identified is whether our base will have enough strength to support the clothing on top of it. However, we bought thicker wood to add more strength. In addition we are trying to add weights to the base to make it more sturdy. We believe this will be enough to compensate for this. If not we can add a larger base to the bottom of the stand in order to be able to handle all the weight.

Fred’s Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week

The main thing I worked on was assembling our base. This involved learning how to cut wood and screw wood together. I worked at the techspark workshop in order to get this done.

I also began work on our used feedback model. Right now I have added functions that allow users to submit their feedback and I can store that

For next week

I am going to work on the model that will grade clothing based on how much the user like it.

I will also begin debugging our software and merging our software parts together.

Henry’s Status Report for 4/03/2021

This week I worked on:

  • fine-tuned detector. It didn’t result in significant increases in accuracy.
  • I ran into some overfitting problems with the classifier. The training accuracy would hover around 70% but the testing accuracy was only 30%. I added a batch regularization layer, dropout layer, and better preprocessing. Hopefully by next week I can get a model with good accuracy. If I still can’t get a good model trained, as risk mitigation I can find an existing model online, however it is not ideal as existing models use old architecture so I would not maximize accuracy.
  • implemented clothing images and attributes storage. Uses pickle to store images and attributes in a dictionary.
  • Implemented color attribution. Uses MMCQ algorithm with color thief API.

For next week:

  • Retrain classifier with new model.
  • train fine-grained clothing attribution model.

Although I am slightly behind schedule for the models, I am ahead of schedule for the clothing storage, which means I can focus more time onto the models.

Team Status Report for 3/27/2021

This week we ran into a problem with our servo where we realized it lacked the capabilities we needed to exactly turn to a degree that we wanted. This required us to change our design to a 270 degree servo and user gear ratio in order to fully spin the wheel. However, this was risk we had accounted for an we had backup parts ready to order.

Even though the servo didn’t work fully, we were still able to test our design and realized that it would be feasible. So despite having to change a few parts of our design the base concept would work and we can continue with assembling the hardware. The rest of the project is going well and we did account for there being flaws in our hardware design so the schedule is still looking good. Once we finish the hardware assembly that will the biggest risk of our project finished.

Link to video:


Fred’s Status Report for 3/27/2021

What I did this week

  • Worked on developing a prototype for our design to test its feasibility. Video can be seen in the team report for 3/27.
    • After discovering the servo we chose had some issues found and ordered new parts that would better fit our requirements
  • Picked up the remaining parts for our project and started assembling the base for our clothing hanger
  • Measured the dimensions of all of our products and determined the exact design we would for all our parts to fit together

For next week

  • Finish assembling our base and attaching the servo and turntable bearing to it
  • Begin work on the user preference model

Henry’s Status Report for 3/27/2021

The past two weeks I worked on:

  • Finished the design report. I wrote most of the documentation on the visualizer component.
  • formatted datasets for training. Detector required tfrecord files from DeepFashion2 dataset while classifier required images sorted into classes from DeepFashion dataset.
  • Trained a clothing detector that detects bounding boxes and does simple classification of clothing articles.
    • tried yolov4 using pytorch, but API was really bad and had many problems I had to fix by looking at pull requests. Ultimately, didn’t use.
    • tried efficientDet0 with tensorflow2 object detection API and it was much better documented and had more community support. Ultimately, used this.
    • Using DeepFashion2 dataset, which doesn’t provide good classification labels, but has bounding boxes over every clothing item (DeepFashion only has 1 bounding box per image)
    • unfortunately, I didn’t measure accuracy during training, but here are the loss figures:
  • Training a clothing classifier that provides more fine-grained classification.
    • Using efficientNetb0 from keras. Below is test accuracy:
    • Still requires more epochs until convergence.
  • Created simple clothing recognition API with aforementioned models. Currently returns top 10 most likely bounding boxes and labels.

For Next Week:

  • Finish training models and perform fine-tuning.
  • Start training models for more fine-grained classification like shape and material.
  • Implement color classification.
  • Right now detector could predict differently from classifier. I’m not sure what to do when this happens, but I should figure it out.

I am slightly ahead of schedule.

Team Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week we gave our design proposal and got good feedback about our design. Going into next week we need to work on the written part of the proposal. We changed our design to incorporate gears with our servo to turn our rack.

One of the biggest risks we see moving forward is attaching the gears to the rack and the servo. In order to find good solutions for this we want to have a working prototype done by the end of this week. The solution we are currently looking at is a metal epoxy but this may change going into the future.

On the software side things are looking good and our programs are beginning to take shape. We just have to make sure we stay on schedule and give ourselves enough time to account for bugs.

This is the new schedule we made to reflect the changes in our hardware design.

Henry’s Status Report for 3/13/21

This week I worked on:

  • Presented the design review presentation. We got a lot of good feedback, especially for our hardware design and our ML algorithm.
  • Worked with Fred on details of hardware design. Came up with a design that uses gears so the servo doesn’t need to be in the middle of the axis. This ensures there’s no weight on the servo and it also allows us to potentially add additional servos if we need more torque.
  • Wrote code that can train any prebuilt models on pytorch. Uses fastai wrappers to make the job easier.
  • Created a resnet34 classification model with 66% top-1 test accuracy. Not a metric worth noting as I still need to have better data augmentation and hyperparameter tuning. We also need validation testing from internet sources and we’re looking at top-3 accuracy, but it’s a start.

For next week:

  • Finish the visualizer section of the design report.
  • Bootstrap training data with additional data from the web.
  • Create validation set by manually labeling web-scraped images.
  • If I have the time, try training an object detection model that can find top and bottom.

I am on schedule.

Fred’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This Week I worked on:

  • Made some final changes to our hardware design where we decided to use gears to spin the rack. I also learned how to use auto cad to create a model for our project
  • Updated our gantt chart to reflect the changes in our design
  • Worked on web scraping program and it is able to download images from Pinteres

For Next week

  • Finish developing the web scraping program so it works on more sites
  • Work on the written design review proposal
  • Order all our parts and begin assembling the parts