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Author: emaynard

Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/29/2020

Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/29/2020

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours). Worked on and practiced presentation Made a schematic and Eagle PCB layout for the tile’s circuit.  See the picture from the design presentation. After the presentation, I discovered that our power requirements would subject users to dangerously high currents and unpleasantly high…

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Team Status Update for 2/22/2020

Team Status Update for 2/22/2020

Risks The pcb supplier we wanted to use has extended their turn-around time from 3 days to 15days in response to Coronavirus.  This will affect our schedule and now we want to order the pcb’s asap in case this time extends again. Changes Interpreter: The preexisting spec has been changed to include support for nested expressions, typechecking and error handling. Firmware: Removing the boot state of neighboring tiles and changing the communication protocol to not need a clock signal. Circuit: Removing the…

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Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/22/2020

Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/22/2020

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours). I set up the microcontroller on a breadboard to measure power requirements, clock skew, and boot time. The result of the boot time test was that it is not perceptible.  As a result, we have removed the  boot time from our model…

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Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/15

Eric Maynard’s Status Update for 2/15

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Finalized the inter-tile communication protocol with Melodee Result: The protocol should be able to work with only three simplex communication channels per side  Wrote a tile-to-tile python simulator for Melodee to use to implement the tile’s internal state machine and prove the communication protocol. Result: The simulator allows you to connect arbitrarily many tiles together and configure them with any encoding.  Each tile operates in its own thread and the…

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