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Author: aarohip

Aarohi’s Status Update for February 29

Aarohi’s Status Update for February 29

Progress This week I mostly focused on specing out the rest of the interpreter, and on the design presentation.  Functions  We decided to add an additional functionality to the spec of the interpreter: functions. This involves function definition (fn), functions and return statements. Functions will be declared as follows:  Code:  fun foo(int x) {     return x + x; } fun bar(int x) { return foo(x); } CodeBlox: v1 = fn of v2 return v2 + v2 v3 = fn of…

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Aarohi’s Status Update for February 22

Aarohi’s Status Update for February 22

Progress At the beginning of the week, I wrote a unit testing apparatus that takes in an input stream of the same format as what the robot will be receiving from the master tile and outputs a list encoding the position information of the tiles. It creates an m x n array (m rows and n columns of codeblox tiles) with the appropriate tile code at the correct location. If there is no tile at a given position, it outputs…

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Aarohi’s Status Update for February 15

Aarohi’s Status Update for February 15

Happy Valentine’s Day and happy first blog post! At the beginning of this week I worked on getting set up with the Pololu 3pi robot. Since I’m working from a Macbook with USB-C ports, the USB to USB-C adapters interferes with the communication ports with Arduino, which is why I’ve been working out of the HH 1303 lab this week. This is probably not sustainable, so I’ll be looking for a solution where I can work on the Arduino code…

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