Aarohi’s Status Update for April 18

Aarohi’s Status Update for April 18


This week I began to look at function application, and also fix PEMDAS on the interpreter and smoothen everything out for the final demo. My group decided that it would make more sense for me to focus on polishing the interpreter this week so that we are in good shape for the final demo, and work on functions on a different branch. I was a little busy this week with other classes, so function application is a little incomplete, but I hope to have it working for after the final demo as an additional functionality of the interpreter.

As far as the interpreter goes, it is currently in a working condition, and ready to go for the demo. The interpreter and GUI together are able to take in an input (deserialized), evaluate it, and output/display errors on a GUI. A sample run is attached below:


The schedule is a little changed since we are focusing on the final demo next week. I am on track for polishing the interpreter and a little behind schedule for function implementation; however, I will be working on function implementation after the final demo to include in the final report and the final video.

Goals for next week:

  1. Function implementation in the interpreter

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