This week, Dan and Luca worked on transferring from the Arduino to the Photon. Dan successfully got the Photon to work, however, Luca had hardware issues for a prolonged period of time so he decided to keep using the Arduino. Luca’s I2C connection on the Arduino remained unstable so he ordered new wires as he suspected that the issue was caused by the wires he received with his hardware from CMU. Dan and Luca are continuing to work on the accuracy of the 3D positioning and will connect the second IMU to their devices this coming week.


Hana focused on the generalized trajectory calculations for the ball given the data. She was able to get much more accurate and reasonable predictions from the data given. She focused on making the bird’s eye view as accurate as possible and will focus next week on more accurate predictions and the Bezier curve control points for the side view.


We will be meeting this week to discuss and plan a detailed schedule for the remaining weeks since the end of the semester is approaching. Additionally, we will talk about details such as the IMU glove and the grid for measuring the ball’s actual landing location. We will also order all the parts we will need for the end of the project to make sure we receive them on time.



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