This week I focused on figuring how the Particle Photon will transmit data over WiFi to the NVIDIA Jetson Nano and how the Jetson will control the servo motors in the Moebius omnidirectional wheel base. The Photon and Jetson will be placed on the base, both powered by a portable phone charger. I’ve done some testing with the Photon to make sure it is capable of running compiled code and sending data. The Photon serves as a WiFi transmitter, and my goal is to create a serial connection between that and the Jetson, hopefully achieved by sending a message virtual serial port which is then redirected to a portal using the TCP protocol. The Photon will act as the TCP Server and the Jetson as the TCP Client, possibly through a web socket. I’ve been successful in producing serial data from the Photon and transmitting it, but still having some difficulty having the Jetson acknowledge and receive it. I will dive deeper into this issue in the coming week.

We still haven’t received the base, so it’s difficult to begin a method for the Jetson to control the motors. My initial idea is to control the servo motors over I2C with the PWM driver. This is the most straightforward approach, but if it proves to be too troublesome, instead I’ll connect the Jetson to an Arduino and control the motors through that, which may be simpler to deal with.


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