The robot car chassis hasn’t arrived yet so no work was done with it. Instead, I spent time learning how the IMUs work and how to extract data from them.
I first researched different i2c libraries for the MPU-9250 (IMU) and found an MPU-9250 i2c library for the particle photon, which we are using to receive data from the IMUs. I spent time making sure I understand the library functions well.
Additionally, I went through the MPU-9250 Product Specification and the MPU-9250 Register Map and Descriptions. I determined which registers are relevant and how they are used. Some useful IMU registers for our project include the gyroscope/accelerometer offset, configuration and measurement registers. I also figured out how to convert raw gyroscope and accelerometer data to degrees per second and m/s^2 respectively. I learned other important information like the different power modes, the i2c clock frequency for the IMUs, how to address the IMUs, …
I need to figure out how the master (particle photon) will communicate with several IMUs (as opposed to just one).


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