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added function withinIntersection which checks whether a vehicle is within the intersection to allow for detection of cars from different lanes
Ran tests under multiple scenarios to test robustness of the simulation/IDM
Experimented with different hyperparameters such as max number of cars passing the intersection
Fixed bugs for demo
Projected vehicles from other track onto current track in order to prevent intersection collisions
Defined a max acceleration based on velocity difference and distance between current vehicle and next vehicle
Prepared results and analyzed in Excel
Made slides for final presentation
Added test cases for more extensive results
Wrote simulation testing program that removed graphics so tests could run much faster
Internal program time was decoupled from system time
Fixed intersection collision bug
Added a check if vehicle is within intersection
Added safe following car model in cooperative mode
Fixed bug with max acceleration in car following model
Updated buffer distance in non-cooperative mode
Added time feature for separate behavior for simulation and test cases
Made test case results for demo
Worked on how to present demo
Worked on final presentation
Continue to improve and build our test cases
Added timing feature for result testing
For the video/simulation, system time would be used to determine speed
For test results, a timer counter is used (independent of system time), thus each update is 0.015 seconds
Made test results to show for demo
Worked on how to present demo
Worked on making final presentation
Tuned weight parameters to boost priority for vehicles closer to the intersection.
V2V Communication
Added functionality for a vehicle to communicate its presence to the preceding vehicle after reaching a certain threshold distance to the intersection.
Implemented information relay so vehicles can pass on information to the foremost vehicle in a lane.
Incorporated communication latency into v2v communication
Updated timer to be consistent with global python time function
Updated path planning code in cooperative case to incorporate chains
Minimize following distance in the cooperative case
Included other statistics in output file (i.e. average velocity, acceleration, deceleration, waiting time, etc)
Worked on merge functionality for 2 lane track before focusing objective towards optimizing figure-8 track (no longer doing the 2 lane though)
Change the weighting in the path planning algorithm
Run test cases to collect results for each case
Fix bug for vehicles in both tracks in the intersection
Fix bug in car following chain model
Fix bug for vehicles in both tracks in the intersection
Refine testing code for final demo
start/stop, display detection radius in testing mode, etc.
Determine what measurements would be good to display/record
Run tests to get results and compare measurements
Experiment with different sized cars
Continued to work on merge function for 2 lane track
After meeting with professor, decided to focus solely on optimizing figure-8 track for demo
Updated timer so it would be consistent with global python time function (regardless of machine)
Included other statistics in results file
Average velocity through vehicles
Average acceleration through vehicles
Average deceleration through vehicles
Total waiting time
Continue testing other cases
Fixed bugs and made minor improvements in preparation for demo
Fixed problem with graphic simulation over counting the number of loops made by the cars
Fixed problem where more cars were passing through the intersection than were allowed.
Modified code to allow for cars to move with a smaller following distance in the cooperative case
Improved interface between path planning and intelligent driver model code.
Working on changing coop vs non-coop test method to account for program scheduling/timing variability across tests.
Added GUI features
Toggle button between cooperative and non-cooperative modes
Toggle button for detection radius on each vehicle
Labels on vehicles
Implemented testing integration to compare throughput between approaches
Creating input and output file functionality for writing test cases and viewing results
Test cases are inputted through a txt, and results are outputted in a csv to use with Excel
Integrated test feature with simulation code
Filtered test cases to ensure there are no initial collisions between vehicles
Simulated cases and analyzed initial results
Changed timing so it is more consistent throughout machines
Used the universal time elapsed between function calls to determine distance traveled
Began work on 2 Lane track
Implemented vehicle to vehicle communication mechanism in 2 lane setup
Integrate path planning code with lane changing model