Chris Lee (chunglee) Weekly Progress Update 4/6/2019

Personal Progress

I was able to get the pi to sweep across several sensors with a mux for the demo. Professor Mai asked us to figure out how fast the pi can sweep through the sensors so I will work on that next week. We did encounter some inconsistency in how the mux worked during testing before the demo. Sometimes it would work and other times it would just read garbage from the sensor. I will try to solve this problem by figuring out how fast the pi can read from the sensors and make sure that we are giving the system enough time to switch between inputs and read correct values so that we don’t run into this issue in the future.

We ordered the 7 segment display and a new pi, so I will also being working on the smart clock and connecting the other pi for remote play as well.


I was hoping to start looking at connecting the two pi’s right now but as long as I start next week, we will be able to stay on track.


I hope to have the time measurements for reading from the sensor done by next week. I also hope to have the code from reading from the full array of sensors done because I only wrote code for the smaller array of sensors for the demo. I will also start looking at the smart clock and connecting the two pi’s.


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