Tasks completed
I have completed making the interior board lifter that we plan to have support our vector boards to be close to the board. We had laser cutted the acrylic board and the H wood supporter. In addition, I tested the optimal resistor choice to use in series with the photoresistor in hand given the holes we have on the board.
Progress status
Even though I have developed the foundation to support the vector board and circuitry, the photo resistors will not be able to get a correct consistent value for all wholes as it can not be stationary in the hole. I will need to add spacing into the board itself to support the photo resistors to be in the holes and be all consistent.
Tasks to complete
I need to finalize the internal layout of the board to support the vector boards near the top panel of the board. Because I need to have different constant resistors for our photo resistors. In addition, I need to make holes into the board so the photo resistors can fit into the wood panel. I also need to add holes for the buttons to be placed into the board itself.