Hang’s Status Report For 10.7.23

Instead of focusing on game history, I decided to flip the order and focused on visualization of the game board first. This ended up being a little more tricky than I thought because I originally planned to draw the board with divs as tiles, but while I was working through it, I remembered that the pieces fall on the intersection of the lines, not in-between the lines and there was no good way of drawing pieces slightly off of a div without messing up the entire grid (React expects children to fall inside the parent containers). Instead what I did is that I had each “tile” fall under 9 categories: top left corner, bottom left corner, bottom right corner, top right corner, top, left, right, bottom, and middle. This way, I can place the pieces inside of each tile, instead of attempting to put the pieces in the intersection of 4 tiles. 

My progress is currently on schedule, I’ve just flipped the order, so that I worked on the visualization of the board, instead of game saving first.

By next week, I expect to have game saving done, and also start to work on game loading.

Israel’s Status Report 10.7.23

Tasks accomplished

This week, I made not the most progress as I’d like in the embedded software aspect of things. I have ordered half of the parts but due to some fall backs on  wood shop, I prioritized more of my time with the physical board implementation more than anything.

I made a autocad and solidworks design with the help of a tech spark technician for laser cutting and marking the top of the board as required. I have also made a overall model of the board itself for documentation purposes and for helping when board building is of need.

(autocad inital design in a dwg format)

Progress status

Because I prioritized more of my time with board building, I am slightly behind on embedded software for data retrieval trials.  I am still on track as I should have time for such elements next week from front loading these initial physical board tasks.

Tasks to complete

I will need to prioritize data retrieval trial code next week. In addition, if I could get parts early parts, it would be ideal to make the board in class time just to ensure we have the board ready for our return from fall break. This is a additional task not intended as we expected to techspark to provide more support with building the board. This, again, should not be a challenging task with our cad designs and required designs for laser cutting.


Israel’s Status Report 9.30.23

Tasks accomplished

For this week I have worked on looking for parts for implementing the hardware design required for our new critera added. I made a sketch of the mux placement for grabbing data from the sensors

I also looked into Arduino serial protocols that would be beneficial for communicating data. This video on CSV collection was fairly helpful as well as this webpage for sending data to the Arduino mid run. I have also finalized the new schedule for our team and worked on presentation preparation for our design.

Progress status

I did fall slightly behind as my role in the project has changed overall but I was able to quickly adapt and do my research in part in time before it hindered the team in any way.

Tasks to complete

I will need to order parts ASAP to test and will need to order all the parts just as soon to ensure that we can build the entire board early and ensure we have enough time for testing purposes.


When developing our design, I learned more of logical expression and equations when trying to analyze and address many of the components on and off states. These conditional states were learned in 18-240 as well as in some of my research in gate simplification last Spring under Mchenzie.