Hang’s Status Report For 10.28.23

This week, I was working on displaying the saved game states. To do this, I needed a component that would open up a file finder, and it turns out this is a standard component in React called <input/>. After the user selects the file, I have to read in the content of the files into an array. The format of the file contents follow this: tile_type, move_number, and this repeats 361 times (19×19) with the. tile_type either being empty, black, or white, and move_number either being the move number of the tile or -1 representing empty. Since this entire content is read in as a string, I used split to convert the string into an array. I also spent some time looking into the React router so that the site can have different pages as I wanted to separate the page for live gameplay and displaying the saved games.

I’m a little bit behind schedule since I wasn’t able to display the saved game states yet. This is because I had a pretty large project due for one of my classes this week, so I spent most of my time focusing on that project. I’ll spend a little more time this following week to finish up displaying the game states.

My deliverables for next week will be displaying the saved game states,  and getting multiple pages working for the site.

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