Israel’s status report 10.21.23


Some new tools I have already learned has been laser cutting for wood board making. I also planned autocad designing which is a skill I had to refresh myself in. I plan on learning more about arduino coding with COM port communication as I have worked more with stm32 processors and UART initally.

Tasks completed

I have received supplies for our team and have started on laser cutting our board for our project. In addition, I have worked on protyping the hardware: starting a subset of the hardware sensors to see the value adjustment and the circuitry testing.

Progress status

I have made good progress in terms of the embedded software but do still need to test everything and ensure it is prepared for communication with PC soon. I am on track but would like to be further ahead given the hiccup with our hardware board making initially.

Tasks to complete

I will need to make the final order of electronics Monday and start putting all the electronic components together. In addition, I will need to add electric insulation to the board and methods of holding the circuit boards into the board so that mobility of the board will not affect the circuit board placement note cause for errors in future. I’m addition

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