Tasks accomplished
This week, I made not the most progress as I’d like in the embedded software aspect of things. I have ordered half of the parts but due to some fall backs on wood shop, I prioritized more of my time with the physical board implementation more than anything.
I made a autocad and solidworks design with the help of a tech spark technician for laser cutting and marking the top of the board as required. I have also made a overall model of the board itself for documentation purposes and for helping when board building is of need.
(autocad inital design in a dwg format)
Progress status
Because I prioritized more of my time with board building, I am slightly behind on embedded software for data retrieval trials. I am still on track as I should have time for such elements next week from front loading these initial physical board tasks.
Tasks to complete
I will need to prioritize data retrieval trial code next week. In addition, if I could get parts early parts, it would be ideal to make the board in class time just to ensure we have the board ready for our return from fall break. This is a additional task not intended as we expected to techspark to provide more support with building the board. This, again, should not be a challenging task with our cad designs and required designs for laser cutting.