Israel’s Status Report 9.30.23

Tasks accomplished

For this week I have worked on looking for parts for implementing the hardware design required for our new critera added. I made a sketch of the mux placement for grabbing data from the sensors

I also looked into Arduino serial protocols that would be beneficial for communicating data. This video on CSV collection was fairly helpful as well as this webpage for sending data to the Arduino mid run. I have also finalized the new schedule for our team and worked on presentation preparation for our design.

Progress status

I did fall slightly behind as my role in the project has changed overall but I was able to quickly adapt and do my research in part in time before it hindered the team in any way.

Tasks to complete

I will need to order parts ASAP to test and will need to order all the parts just as soon to ensure that we can build the entire board early and ensure we have enough time for testing purposes.


When developing our design, I learned more of logical expression and equations when trying to analyze and address many of the components on and off states. These conditional states were learned in 18-240 as well as in some of my research in gate simplification last Spring under Mchenzie.

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