Israel’s Status Report for 9.23.2023

Tasks accomplished

I have started the ramp up for Java Script and React usage with informational videos. Some of these videos from Mosh Hamedani (Older but more thorough use of react 1) (Newer tutorial on how to use react 2). I followed these videos aswell to practice using React in preparation. I have also looked into documentation for java-script itself with Mozilla with helpful functional usage.

In addition, I looked for some UI based libraries and packages to use with React that might be helpful. One of the ones of focus is BluePrint due to its very well-made documentation and customization integrated with CSS that might prove beneficial in the future with my prior experience with CSS. Other ones of interest that might be used are as followed:

Progress status

Finished ramping up on Javascript and and React usage for this weeks plan.

Tasks to complete

I plan to quick overview on CSS just to be more familiar with the format as well as HTML in case it proves useful in the future.

Websocket familiarity is a number one prioity for my interface with backend. I plan to ramp up on websocket usage and knowledge way more.

In Addition, I plan to start designing the Mancala frontend basic pages and components. Initially start making a interface and blueprint of planned functions and pages. I plan to use my framework from my learning rampup aswell for my codebase.

If everything turns out well and plans don’t stray off, I plan to have a codebase, all my TODOs and file locations, organized for implementation to start smoothly .

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