Hang’s Status Report for 9.23.2023

Since I was the presenter for the proposal of our project, the first half of the week was dedicated to practicing the script.

After our project was presented, I put my focus into finding the tutorials that would be necessary for setting up the infrastructure of our project: namely how to set up AWS Lambda as our compute platform and how to set up a DynamoDB database. I came across this tutorial: Building a serverless multi-player game that scales | AWS Compute Blog (amazon.com), which seems perfect for our use-case. This tutorial builds a trivia game using Lambda functions with both http endpoints and websocket endpoints and uses DynamoDB tables as their database. They use Vue.js as their frontend, but we should be able to easily switch to React.

I can use this tutorial to set up the necessary infrastructure for our project and test out the endpoints that they have created. Once I get an understanding of how their code works, I can start working on our project’s backend, starting with the game logic.

The progress is currently on schedule. By the end of next week, the infrastructure should be set up, and I should be able to test communication between the demo’s frontend and backend. I should also start writing game logic for our Mancala gameplay.

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