Xiran’s Status Report for 10/23

Last week, I spent the vast majority of the week working on the Design Review Report. I wrote some sections from scratch in the Report, just like Grace and Ali did, but I was also the final editor for our Report. I went through multiple passes to change wording to make the report sound coherent and rearrange sections for a better flow.

All the time I spent on the Report put me behind schedule, because I was planning to work on the DUT last week. However, I was able to finish the DUT this week (code here). After finishing the DUT, I also took the tasks of creating a simple test case and performing some testing on the DUT, which were originally planned to be Grace’s and Ali’s tasks, but they are very busy with Ethernet work. I did find a bug in my code for the DUT that was actually a little bit subtle. When we later deliberately insert bugs into our DUT, I may insert this bug.

I am still a little bit behind our original schedule, but we will likely revamp this schedule next week if we decide to change our communication protocol (we will need tasks to be shifted around to accommodate the change). For now, I’m just trying to do as much work as possible that can be done in parallel to communication.

Next week, I will synthesize the DUT and start working on an output display to the user. It was mentioned in a previous meeting that having a GUI display for the demo would be nice, so I will start designing that.

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