Over the past two weeks we continued to work on the final housing unit and did more drop tests. I laser cut the remainder of the pieces including the lid, and a few more of the wall pieces. I fully assembled the housing over the last few days, then we glued everything into place. Vikram and I soldered some new connectors for the new housing and we mounted a new set of motors to the arms. We plan to showcase this product instead of the prototype at the demos and in our video. We have been working on final testing as well over the last few weeks.
Before the presentation we did several tests pertaining to our design choices. Namely, we collected data for tradeoffs related to camera lens, camera resolution, battery cell count, and propeller size. I redid the test of camera resolution against detection rate and frame rate as the results we had from the week previous were done under varying light conditions, the new results showed a more clear tradeoff between frame rate and detection rate. Since the presentation we have been working on final drop tests as we were unable to get enough trials in before the presentation. We completed 4 trials of drop testing today. The closest landing distance was around 1.25 meters. We have found testing to be pretty feasible at night as well, with a lower threshold value since the light from the bridge illuminates the target.