I spent this week working on finishing touches of the web application and testing. In the web application, I completed the “Completed Technical Interview” page under the Profile page. For this, after the user completes a technical question in our technical interview page, they’re answer and the question details get saved in a database. I display this database in a user friendly format for the person to check their progress. In addition, I fixed some minor css issues of the web application such as text formatting in the navigation bars.
In addition to the web application, I worked on testing the neural network. I ran the algorithm multiple times through our automated testing to gauge the accuracy and found it to be 30% to 40% consistently. Lastly, I ran our training and testing data through an inbuilt gaussian naive bayes algorithm to see if the low accuracy of our neural network was due to the neural network or our speech recognition algorithm. I found that the accuracy using gnb was 40%. This is very similar to our neural network and we will be discussing this in our final report.
This week, I plan on working on the video and the final report of our capstone project. I will also continue testing to get more metrics that we can display in our final report. Though the accuracy has a range, more data will lead us to a more concrete number of what the final accuracy was of our speech recognition algorithm.