Team’s Status Update for 11/20/20

This week, we continued working on our respective parts of the project. We decided that instead of storing the behavioral interview videos, we will be storing a summary for each video with the amount of times the user had subpar eye contact and/or screen alignment. This is because we found out that it is difficult to display videos embedded in HTML from a local directory (for privacy and security reasons in HTML5), and it did not make sense to store all the videos in a public space. We also realized that it may be more helpful to the user if we provide them with a summary of how many times they had subpar eye contact and/or screen alignment for each behavioral interview practice they do. This way, they have concrete data to base their improvement off of.

Jessica worked on integrating the behavioral interview questions that Shilika wrote into the rest of the facial detection code and the behavioral portion of the tips page on the web application. She used the questions that Shilika researched at the beginning of the semester, and selected a handful of them to place into a global array. Using the Python random library, one question is selected at random and displayed at the top of the video screen for the user to refer to as they wish. She also implemented the behavioral section of the tips page to provide the user information about behavioral interviews and how to prepare for them. Mohini and Shilika will be working on the technical section of the page. Next week, she plans on combining the eye contact and screen alignment portions together for Option 1 of the facial detection part. This will provide users with alerts for both subbar eye contact and screen alignment. She also plans on figuring out how to keep track of the amount of times that the user had subpar eye contact and/or screen alignment during each video recording. This will be the summary available to users in their profile.

Mohini worked on improving the accuracy of the speech recognition algorithm through the addition of another hidden layer in the neural network and adding more training data. While both these attempts were not successful, she plans to continue trying to improve the accuracy by tweaking some of the other parameters of the neural network. Additionally, she continued working on the technical page. The chosen category, question, user’s answer, and correct answer are all displayed on the screen. She then stores all this information into a database so that a list of the logged in user’s questions and answers can be displayed on the completed technical interview practices page, which can be accessed through the profile page. Next week, Mohini will continue trying to fine tune the parameters of the neural network and start the testing of the speech recognition algorithm. 

Shilika worked on the neural network portion of the speech recognition algorithm. She was able to successfully add another layer and update all parameters and variables accordingly. This required changes to Mohini’s working neural network algorithm which had one hidden layer. The accuracy of the updated algorithm did not reach the expectations that we have set (60% accuracy). Next steps for Shilika include continuing the improve the accuracy of the speech recognition by changing variable parameters such as the number of hidden units and the amount of training data. She will also work on the profile page of the web application. 

Shilika’s Status Update for 11/20/20

This week, I successfully added a hidden layer to the neural network. I worked with Mohini to gain a solid understanding of the back propagation algorithm. This gave me a clear understanding of how to update the three parameters – alpha, alpha2, and beta – of the new neural network. Alpha being the one between the input layer and first hidden layer, alpha2 being the one between the first and second hidden layer, and beta being the one between the second hidden layer and output layer. Using this knowledge, I incorporated the second hidden layer. In this algorithm, the two hidden layers have the same number of hidden units depending on the user input.

After this, I began testing the algorithm with our current training data to gauge its accuracy as compared to the algorithm with one hidden layer. The training data and testing data with the new neural network have an accuracy of 83.5% and 86.3% respectively, while the training and testing data with the previous neural network have an accuracy of 1.5% and 77.2% respectively. The results of the training data were as expected because an additional hidden layer reduces overfitting. The would result in a higher training error since the algorithm will classify the training data less correctly. However, I was disappointed to see the testing error slightly increase. I did not expect it to improve significantly, but at least marginally. This is because additional hidden layers bring more non-linearity to the neural network, and thus the classification. Therefore, it would be able to generalize the data better. 

My next steps will be to continue to improve the accuracy of the neural network. I will modify the variable values such as the number of training data and the number of hidden units in each hidden layer. I will continue to monitor how these changes affect the accuracy of the algorithm and try to find the optimal parameters to achieve the highest accuracy. Additionally, I will start working on the web application again to complete the profile page.

Mohini’s Status Report for 11/20/2020

This week, I worked on various different things. I started with reviewing the neural net & back propagation algorithm with Shilika. We needed to take my working implementation for one hidden layer and apply it to determine the stochastic gradient algorithm for the addition of another hidden layer. After drawing out the feed forward algorithm with the different parameters, we derived the back propagation algorithm derivatives into a simplified form and coded the equations. Shilika was in charge of the coding aspect; I simply helped her think through the algorithm. 

Next, I continued working on the technical interview page. I focused on two things – improving the CSS of the page to make it more visually appealing and implementing the backend Django code for retrieving and saving the user’s answers to a database. Rather than tell the user if their answer is correct, I displayed the user’s submitted answer and the correct answer on the screen to let them decide if their answer is correct. I also created a database to store all the user information. This includes their name, email, and list of questions as well as their answers to the questions. For the CSS aspect, I played around with the layout of the page so that the chosen category and question banners appear under each other rather than next to each other. I changed the colors and positions of a few other elements to make the page, as a whole, more visually appealing. Additionally, I continued researching and adding tips to our tips page, as well as improving the CSS of that part. 

Lastly, I started testing the speech recognition algorithm. I created more training data, but the addition of this training data actually decreased the accuracy of the algorithm. I haven’t found the sweet spot of the optimal number of training data samples nor the optimal parameters to run the neural network. I will experiment to find the optimal ones for next week. 


Jessica’s Status Update for 11/20/2020

This week, I worked on integrating the behavioral interview questions that Shilika compiled into the facial detection system and implementing the behavioral portion of the tips page. Shilika created a file at the beginning of the semester that contains a large number of common behavioral interview questions. I took a handful of these questions and placed them into a global array in the eye contact and screen alignment code. Then, using Python’s random library, I choose one of the questions in the array at random. This chosen question is displayed at the top of the video screen while the user records themselves, so that they can refer back to the question whenever they want to.

I also worked on implementing the behavioral portion of the tips page that we decided to change from the original help page last week. I used articles from Indeed and Glassdoor to provide the user with information about behavior interviews, as well as helpful tips and common behavioral interview questions. This gives background to the user on how to prepare for behavioral interviews and what to expect during a typical interview. The tips page will be divided into two sections, one for behavioral and one for technical. I implemented the behavioral section, and Mohini and Shilika will be working on the technical section for technical interview information and tips.

I believe that we are on track for the facial detection portion, as most of the technical implementation is complete and now we are working on improving and fine-tuning. Next week, I plan on working on combining the eye contact and screen alignment parts together for the first option on the behavioral page. I also plan on figuring out how to keep track of the amount of times that the user had subpar eye contact and/or screen alignment during their video recording, so we can provide this information to the user in their profile page.

Team’s Status Update for 11/13/20

This week, we continued working on the various portions of iRecruit. We made a decision to change the help page into a tips page, where we give users interviewing suggestions. This was because we thought that our dashboard page covered the purpose and navigation of iRecruit, and it would be helpful to give users information about good interviewing techniques, how to practice/dress for interviews, and more. We also decided to change the initial setup phase back to 5 seconds after more testing, because we realized if a user is set up and ready to go (sitting at a desk against a bare background), 5 seconds proves a sufficient amount of time.

Jessica worked on implementing the initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection for the mouth, and updating the home, dashboard, and technical interview pages on the web application. The initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection was similar to how she did them for the nose last week, where the X and Y coordinates of the mouth are stored into arrays for the first 5 seconds. Then, the average of the coordinates is taken, which provides the frame of reference coordinates of what is “center.” While recording, if the user is not within range of the frame of reference, we alert them with a pop-up message box. The home, dashboard, and technical interview pages were updated to match the behavioral interview page. They are now complete with detail and navigation functionality. Next week, Jessica is planning on integrating the behavioral interview questions that Shilika wrote into the facial detection code, so users know what question to answer during their recording. She is also planning on implementing the tips page on the web application.

Mohini worked on the web application component of the project. She created a user database that will be used to store summary information about the completed interview practices for each individual user. A change that the team decided to make is to store the counts of subpar eye contact and screen alignment as a part of this summary information rather than the videos themselves. We believed that this would be the most informative to the user. Additionally, Mohini fixed a few minor bugs regarding the login process and made sure that the workflow of the entire web application is as smooth as possible. She made more progress on the technical interview page as she displayed the user’s chosen category and a possible question to ask the user. Next steps include completing this workflow and retrieving the user’s submitted answer to check for accuracy purposes and to store in the user database. 

Shilika continued her work on adding an additional hidden layer to the neural network. She realized flaws in her algorithm from last week and had to re-do and re-write the approach. She is in the process of coding the new algorithm and will continue this process throughout the week. Additionally, she will help improve the accuracy of the neural network by adding more training data.

Shilika’s Status Update for 11/13/20

This week, I put my focus on improving the accuracy of the neural network and working towards adding an additional layer to the neural network. As mentioned last week, I worked on applying the stochastic gradient descent on the additional parameters for the additional hidden layer in-between the first hidden layer and the output. I realized there were flaws in my algorithm from last week as I had skipped over some variables while computing the gradient. . Because I have been having a hard time understanding how to get this matrix, I created two flow charts – one of the original neural network we had and one with the additional hidden layer – to visualize how the values are propagating to the output layer. 

After visualizing the neural network, I outlined the algorithm used to compute the current alpha and beta parameters. This gave me more insight into what the computation would look like for the second alpha layer. As mentioned, I am in the process of coding and debugging the new algorithm for the additional parameter and would like to have it finished early next week. In addition to the neural network, I worked on cleaning up the css and html in the technical page and the navigation bars. This included small details such as fixing the alignment of the username, positioning the side navigation bar, and altering the headings of the components in the technical page to make it more user friendly. 

Next week, I plan to continue working on the technical interview page and the completed technical interview page on the profile page. I will also continue to work on improving the accuracy of the neural network by creating more training data as this has shown to improve the accuracy by 5% for every 30-40 additional training samples we create.

Jessica’s Status Update for 11/13/2020

This week, I worked on implementing the initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection for the mouth, and updating the user interface for the home, dashboard, and technical interview pages on the web application. I decided to change the initial setup phase time back to 5 seconds (the original amount), because after running the program multiple times, I realized that if the user is set up and ready to go, 5 seconds is enough time. 10 seconds required a lot of sitting around and waiting. The initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection for the mouth is similar to that of the nose that I worked on last week. The X and Y coordinates of the mouth are stored into separate arrays for the first 5 seconds. We then take the average of the coordinates, which will give us the frame of reference coordinates for what constitutes as “center” for the mouth. For each video frame, we check if the current coordinates of the mouth are within range of the frame of reference coordinates. If they are not (or the nose coordinates are not), then we alert the user with a pop-up message box. If the nose coordinates are not centered, then neither are the mouth coordinates, and vice versa. I wanted to have both the nose and mouth coordinates for points of reference in case the landmark detection for one of them fails unexpectedly.

I also updated the user interface for the home, dashboard, and technical interview pages on the web application to make the pages more detailed and increase usability. For the home page, I adjusted the font and placement for the login and register buttons. For the dashboard, I reformatted the page to match the behavioral interview page. The dashboard is the user home page, which gives them an overview of what iRecruit has to offer and the various options they can navigate to. For the technical interview page, I also reformatted the page to match the behavioral interview page. The technical interview page provides users with information about the different technical question categories and instructions to audio record themselves. 

I believe that we are making good progress, as most of the technical implementation for the facial detection and web application portions are complete at this point. Next week, I plan on integrating the behavioral interview questions that Shilika wrote with the rest of the facial detection code, so that users have a question to answer during the video recording. I also plan on implementing the tips page on the web application. This was originally a help page, but we realized that our dashboard provides all of the information necessary for the user to navigate iRecruit. We thought that it would be better to have an interview tips page, where we give users suggestions on good interviewing techniques, how to practice for interviews, etc.

Mohini’s Status Report for 11/13/2020

This week, I worked on a multitude of things. I started with looking into the speech recognition algorithm and thinking of possible ways to increase the accuracy. I created more training data which helped increase the accuracy by about 5%. I also tested the workflow and integration of the algorithm significantly, making sure that the signal processing and machine learning components work well together. 

Second, I worked on the web application this week. I spent a little bit of time cleaning up the backend logic for users to create a new account and login into iRecruit. This included fixing a minor bug so now the user’s username appears on the dashboard and the navigation bar. I also created a user database to store the information of any user that makes an account with iRecruit. This database will be utilized in the profile page to keep track of each individual user’s completed behavioral and technical interview practices. Additionally, I worked on the tips page and researched and added in tips for technical interviewing for the user’s convenience. 

Majority of my time was spent continuing to work on the technical interview page. I finished creating the questions database so that each of our eight categories have a couple questions. I displayed the user’s chosen category (the output of our speech recognition algorithm) on the webpage as well as a random question associated with that category. I also created an input text box for the user to submit their answer in. Next steps include writing backend code in the Django framework to retrieve the user’s answer and check its accuracy. I also plan on displaying a possible correct answer on the screen, so the user can compare theirs to this sample answer if desired. I will be storing the user’s questions and answers in the database, so that a summary of their practices can be displayed on the profile page.

I believe I am on progress as the skeleton of the technical interview page has been completed. I will spend the rest of the semester trying to improve the speech recognition algorithm and formatting the technical interview page to incorporate the best UI practices; however, I feel that the core of the project has been completed.


Team’s Status Update for 11/06/20

This week, we continued working on implementing our respective three portions of the project. We made a design decision for the facial detection portion to give users three options to account for different levels of experience with behavioral interviews. The first option is for users who are of beginner-level, and allows for them to practice with both eye contact and screen alignment. We thought this would be good for users who are unfamiliar with behavioral interviewing or the iRecruit behavior interviewing platform, to give them maximum feedback. The second and third options are for users who are of intermediate-level to advanced-level, and allows for them to practice with either only eye contact or only screen alignment. We thought this would be good for users who know their strengths and weaknesses for behavioral interviewing, and only wish to receive feedback on one technique. 

Jessica worked on implementing the initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection for the nose, and updating the behavioral interview page on the web application. She was able to store the X and Y coordinates of the nose into arrays for the first 10 seconds, and then take the average of those coordinates to calculate the frame of reference coordinates. If the current coordinates of the nose for the video frame are not within range of the frame of reference coordinates, the user is alerted with a pop-up message box. She updated the behavioral interview page to give the user an overview and provide them with the three different options. Next week, she is planning to work on the initial setup phase and off-center screen alignment detection for the mouth, and updating the dashboard and technical interview pages.

Mohini worked on integrating the signal processing and machine learning components together with the Django webapp. The output from the signal processing is saved to a text file which is the input to the machine learning algorithm which then outputs the predicted category into a separate text file. Then, Django reads from this text file to display the predicted category on the webpage. When the user records the category of questions they are interested in receiving, the webpage displays the category name through the speech recognition algorithm. The accuracy of this algorithm is quite low, so next steps would be fine tuning the model to increase the accuracy. 

Shilika worked on the css and html for the web application portion, and saving videos to the profile page of the web app. She also worked on the neural network portion of the speech processing aspect. She is researching on improving the accuracy of the current neural network and implementing one more hidden layer in the neural network. Next week, she will continue improving the accuracy of the neural network and in turn the speech recognition.


Shilika’s Status Update for 11/06/20

This week, I worked on the web application components and the neural network portion. For the web application, I made the css and html for the login and register pages more user friendly and appealing. The design now properly integrates with the rest of the web pages, as well.

In addition to the css, I continued to work on saving the completed behavioral interview videos on the web page. I have not been able to properly display the video, as a blank video appears in every web browser that I have tried such as Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. 

In the neural network portion, I worked with Mohini to continue the code we are using for our baseline (the neural network homework code from the Machine Learning course at Carnegie Mellon). In the beginning, the neural network was predicting the same output for every training and testing data point we provided. After debugging and testing, we realized that the ordering in which the training data is provided has an effect on the final outcome of the predictions. Despite varying the order of the training data, our accuracy of our testing data is still low at approximately a 42% accuracy rate. To improve the accuracy, I decided to implement an additional hidden layer in the neural network. The changes that this will require in the neural network is integrating an additional layer of hidden layer after first hidden layer, initializing weights associated with the neural network, performing a stochastic gradient descent to optimize the weights/parameters, and connecting the hidden layer with the two output classes. I am currently working on applying SGD on the parameters and have been running into index out of bound bugs. 

By next week, I hope to have completed this layer and run it to test if the accuracy has increased. I will also continue to research other methodologies to improve the accuracy.  I also hope to figure out displaying completed behavioral interview videos in the django webapp. I am behind in this aspect because I intended to finish it this week. In order to get back on track, I will reach out to my team to help me with this portion as I have not been able to figure it out despite trying multiple possibilities that I found through online resources.