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Category: Weekly Status Reports

Heather’s Status Update for 10/24

Heather’s Status Update for 10/24

After talking to Vyas, we’re gonna just use a webcam for now. That simplifies my job so I turned my attention this week back to working on the physical prototype. I got the elevator working! It’s a little jittery, but I haven’t figured out if it is because of the stepper motor, or lag to facial detection, or a combination of the two. The goal for this week is to get that smooth and get the angle for top and…

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Team’s Status Update for 10/24

Team’s Status Update for 10/24

Our week began with a scramble to complete our design review — we worked on finishing up the parts we had assigned to each other to write, creating diagrams, and formatting/revising the document as a whole. Altogether, we feel confident in the content we produced and hope that this will entail a much less arduous process of writing the final report. After finishing the design review, we met up to discuss how all of our components would be integrated and…

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Edward’s Status Update for 10/24

Edward’s Status Update for 10/24

Early in the week we spent finalizing the last portions of the design report. We all spent time proofreading the document and writing the last couple of paragraphs. After that I focused primarily on the integration between different components of the project. With the first demo coming so soon we felt that cutting out some of the software features and implementing them later was a better approach so we decided to start with integration The first thing I did this…

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Anna’s Status Update for 10/24

Anna’s Status Update for 10/24

This past week, we worked hard on writing the remaining pieces of the design report, revising, and adding in figures. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to access the I2C ports on the Jetson. Unlike Adafruit, NVIDIA doesn’t provide a friendly little tutorial to hold your hand through the process 🙁 but I figured out what packages to install and what modules to import, so now I can get I2C input from the mics. My analog microphones…

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Heather’s Status Update for 10/17

Heather’s Status Update for 10/17

Big risk to the project identified this week when doing the design presentation. We realized we had spent a lot of time solidifying the different components for the peripheral components, and not enough time on the communication between the Jetson Nano and a computer. So this week, I spent a lot of time researching this topic and came up with a hopefully implementable solution. I should be able to change the Linux kernel for the Jetson Nano using the Nvidia…

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Edward’s Status Update for 10/17

Edward’s Status Update for 10/17

This week the team’s overall deliverable of the design review report led to me spending a lot of time on that rather than additional development on the software code base. We spent the beginning of the week wrapping up the presentation slides on Sunday which ate a chunk of my time. In the middle of the week I spent time looking into the additional libraries we could use for the concurrency and came to the conclusion that using the base…

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Team’s Status Update for 10/17

Team’s Status Update for 10/17

This week, the team’s major goals revolved around the design review. At the beginning of the week, we prepared our slides for the presentation, which Anna delivered on Wednesday. After that, we promptly began putting together our design review paper. Luckily, the solid effort we had put into the slides made the paper process much easier, as we already had a substantial template to work off of from the presentation. A big takeaway from the design presentation was the realization…

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Anna’s Status Update for 10/17

Anna’s Status Update for 10/17

This week began with finishing up and practicing the design review presentation, which I gave during Wednesday’s class. It went well, but Vyas did point out something that we haven’t given much thought yet, which is how we plan to implement communication between the Jetson and the user’s computer. This falls under Heather’s domain, and she was quick to jump on the research for it. In addition, last week, I mentioned that we could no longer use the four-microphone I2S…

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Anna’s Status Update for 10/10

Anna’s Status Update for 10/10

I started off this week with a rather concerning realization, which is that our original plan to use four microphones was flawed. We intended to connect two microphones to each of the Jetson Nano’s two I2S ports, but this would not allow for us to distinguish the microphones’ signals from each other and analyze them individually, which we need to do in order to determine the direction of the source. I talked about it with the team, and we have…

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Team’s Status Update for 10/10

Team’s Status Update for 10/10

One of the things that we realized was that we can’t actually make use of four mics with the I2S connections. This is due to our original idea banked on being able to put in two inputs per I2S port but the problem is that the inputs from the mics only get read as a single mixed input which we can’t separate out. That means that we are forced to use only one mic per input which can potentially hurt…

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