(12/4) Team Weekly Status Update

This week we showed our final demo which included our MVP product that showed a user’s wearable device turn on with a light whenever it was their turn to do a task and the button which would rotate the task order for when someone finished a task or someone gets assigned a task. After the MVP, our final task was to get the features for our final product ready which is the integration of our location detection as well as CV to determine the messiness of the counter. By the end of the week, Jeffrey and Shivi was able to integrate the hub server with the CV code that Shivi wrote, so that when the camera sent the image picture over, we could figure out so much of the counter has been occupied by clutter. Jeffrey also used the location data that David provided with the wearable code, to create a simple bilateration detection algorithm and tune it so that it would successfully detect whether a wearable is near the counter to the best of our ability. Once location detection and CV object detection were integrated, Jeffrey added the clutter association code which related any increase or decrease in clutter to the person closest to the counter at the time. All three of us then proceeded to test our location detection and clutter association using the tests we came up with at the start of the project. On the side, David also worked on creating a GUI for the device that we would get integrated by next week for the video.

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