(11/22) Weekly Status Update: David

This week I got lots of things done. I successfully ported a fragile implementation of the current wifi signal scraping onto the wearable device. Next up is getting low power modes working as well as implementing a debug port for this wearable. I also need to start writing the driver for the LED we are going to be using on the wearable, the Adafruit Dotstar RGB LED. I also started working on a various number of annoying bugs. Firstly, there is a mis-documented hardware errata on the ATSAMD. Turns out that pin PA24 is incapable of being used as an input pin in any case. This caused problems for me since I relied on this pin in order to handshake with the breakout board when it was safe to send it more data to process. Secondly, it turns out that the breakout board is extremely finicky with its power supply. Specifically, when it detects any noticeable dip in voltage, the board’s internal brownout detectors fire, resetting the device and corrupting any data retrieved from the device as a result of commands that were sent to it. I was stuck on this issue for the longest time, as even with a higher 5V USB voltage source, only specific ports on my computer could provide steady enough voltage for the BODs not to trigger. Over the next week, I need to get capacitors from campus so that I can hopefully filter out these voltage fluctuations.

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