Albert’s Status Report for 10/10/20

This week I wanted to test the code for the color tracking algorithm I coded up last week. I was hoping the trackers we ordered have arrived, but there was a miscommunication between us, the TA, and Quinn. I resolved the confusion by contacting everyone and successfully ordered the trackers, suit, as well as the camera. Since I was did not receive the colored bands this week, I had to create my own test cases for testing whether I can successfully filter out the specific color, remove some of the noise, as well as detect the center of the image. I created different drawings on my iPad and was successfully able to get the correct pixels. However, I would still need to test my algorithms on the actual trackers because the colors would need to be tuned for the upper and lower boundaries of the HSV value in order for the filters to work.

Along with testing the previous algorithms I wrote, I researched and thought over the leg raise, pushup, and lunges that we will be using as our workouts. I drew a diagram of all the joints and wrote down all the lines and angles that can be formed on a google doc. I wrote down the checks and feedback of each position as well. I was able to implement the leg raise posture analysis with some classes and methods in python. The specific thresholds will be fine tuned when we test it on the camera feed. I will still need to implement the pushup and lunges next week.

In terms of schedule, I am fairly on track. I was put slightly behind because of the miscommunication on the orders. I will be able to start tuning the values for the trackers. Next week, I will learn Vivado and HLS with Venkata as well as start determining the thresholds once the camera has arrived.



Venkata’s Status Report for 10/10/20

This week I ran into quite a few issues which I was able to resolve for the most part. I started off the week by continuing to try to run the BIST (built-in self-test mentioned last week) by reading through the documentation and trying to find a Vivado project that I could program to the board. However, I ran into IP issues and decided to forgo running the BIST and simply create a project that would allow me to test out the UART capabilities of the FPGA.

I started off by reading the forums to try and find existing projects that would allow us to use the UART protocol on the board and came across the AXI UARTLite IP block that allowed me to configure the baud rate and protocol. There was an example project for the IP block, which I decided to try. After fixing a multitude of issues such as licensing issues, driver issues, and compilation issues (Note: One of the compilation issues involved making non-recommended changes to the provided XDC constraints file, which I am looking into), I was finally able to transmit a character from the board to the host computer. After completing this, I wrote a Python snippet using the PySerial library that was able to listen to the appropriate COM port and receive the transmitted character.

In terms of schedule, I am on track. My goal for the past week was to finish the implementation of the communication logic but I realized that the logic is tied together with the RTL code for the implementation of the joints algorithm and so, decided to instead start working on next week’s task which involves learning about HLS.

Vishal’s Status Report for 10/2/20

This week, I was able to accomplish a few things towards the completion of our capstone project. I started off with my most important task which was to design the UI Model. I started off with simple sketches for multiple scenarios. These scenarios included the home screen, choosing the difficulties and different types of focuses for the workout as well as designing the actual pages for when the workouts were taking place. I tried to solidify these and refine them compared to what was presented in the proposal but the final version will be dependent on. I also begin the basic pygame framework and have it setup on my laptop. I will need to further refine this to be applicable to our design as well as our project. I would like to make more progress with the pygame application as we do not have our webcam yet so I was not able to test out the image capture process fully. I have been working with the laptop webcam to see if the same scenario is feasible for capturing and displaying video. I will have to do a bit more testing to integrate that with pygame and see if multi-threading is feasible with pygame. In terms of my progress I am a little bit behind right now but I don’t see that being a problem because the schedule has a bit of slack for me. My plan for next week is to fully integrate the video feed with the pygame application and have images be captured periodically. I will also be trying to integrate recorded videos into the pygame application.

Team Status Update for 10/2/20

We looked through the feedback provided by our peers for our proposal presentation. As of now, there are no major changes to the project in terms of the design and the schedule. One thing that we discuss was whether we should market our project as more of a platform/framework rather than a final product to justify our design choices. We will continue to discuss this idea and see if there are any changes to made to the overall design of the project. In the meantime, we were able to finalize all of the parts that we need and have placed orders for the parts that could be a hindrance in the near future.

Venkata’s Status Update for 10/2/20

This week was predominantly focused on set up and research related tasks. In terms of set-up tasks, I set up the website for the rest of the team and also picked up the Kintex-7 FPGA board from the Academic Center. In terms of the research related tasks, the primary goal of the past week was to learn the UART communication protocol. I was able to familiarize myself with the protocol and be able to understand how the FPGA and the host computer will interact with one another. I was able to find code snippets that use the python library pySerial to transmit data from a computer port with UART. On the other hand, I was also able to find Verilog code snippets that resemble a UART transmitter and receiver. So, I was able to finish the task for learning the protocol.

However, this week was also allocated for beginning to implement the logic. In order to do so, I tried to run the BIST (built-in self-test) on the Kintex-7 board but am currently running into issues because the board doesn’t appear to be transmitting the expected data to the host computer. Furthermore, programming the board requires Vivado, which is not available on MacOS, so I had to partition my MacBook and install bootcamp before I could install Vivado. For the upcoming week, I plan on resolving the issues and being able to successfully run the BIST and running through the UART option that is present. After which, I plan on finishing the implementation of the logic to communicate between the board and computer, which will allow me to stay on task with the schedule.

Albert’s Status Update for 10/2/20

This week, I finished downscaling an image to a 160×120 pixel image by using the Pillow library in Python. I researched on the OpenCV algorithms for color tracking, and I broke the library function calls to for loops on a 2D array of pixels (for future conversion to HDL). I implemented the conversion from RGB to HSV. I also collected the mask of the pixels that fit in the HSV range of a certain color. Then, it is put through erosion and then a dilation in order to get rid of noise. Then, using the algorithm to find the largest rectangle in a binary matrix, I found the center of the tracker which will be the reference for the joint of the posture analysis.

I am currently on par with the schedule. My plan for next week is to test the algorithm on the trackers that we bought from Amazon, and to determine the lower and upper bound of the HSV in order to recognize the trackers. Also, I would start researching on the Image Posture Analysis, and help Venkata with the hardware communication protocol.