This week I was able to make a bit of progress in terms of the application and user interface. I attempted to use the camera module of the pygame library but soon ran into issues, as it is only certified and optimized to work on linux. However we decided we wanted to develop our application on windows so I had to instead transition to using the open cv library. There was a bit of a learning curve so I spent some time understanding the intricacies the library.
After working with openCV I was able to create a basic application in pygame that now has the live video embedded. It also takes pictures periodically and saves them to a local folder which will be consumed by the FPGA. I’ve also been working on finding and converting model exercises to GIF’s that are displayed within the application. I’ve also begun creating a model page to get the user’s biodata that will be used to calculate things such as calories and heart rate. In terms of the schedule I am currently about half a week to a week behind as I haven’t fully finished creating the GIF’s for the model and am still working on calculating the user’s biodata page and creating the timed workouts.