The global spread of the coronavirus has truly changed our lives, transitioning us to a remote environment where contact with others is limited. This has impacted not only the way we work but also our ability to stay in shape. This has led to a rise in the popularity of at home workout options that range from free fitness applications such as Nike Training App to high-end systems likeMirror. We’re introducing Falcon the Pro Gym Assistant (FPGA), a revolutionary and affordable workout system that guides a user through a customizable workout plan while providing accurate real time feedback.
Vishal Status Report 12/5
This week I mostly worked on making sure the UI was in a ready state to present for our demo on Wednesday. The main task that I had to tackle in terms of the UI was the main menu which is used to link the various pages within the UI. I also worked on creating the workout setup screen and settings screen in which the user can customize their workout as well as their profile information. The next thing I did for the UI was enable profile switching and save unique states for each user within the sqlite database. The final thing I did was clean up the overall flow and details for all the pages and made sure that different aspects were integrated properly.
After the demo I worked a bit with the spotify integration. I have a log in menu for each profile and then I started working on the UI aspect of spotify. This UI will give the user the ability to play, pause, next song, previous song, as well as see the current song they are playing on their device. I have a bit more work to do to actually get it to display but the button logic works properly with the API.
In the next weeks I will be working on creating clips for Albert that will demonstrate the UI and features we were able to implement after the recording we had before thanksgiving. After that I will be finishing the spotify UI buttons and have it properly display. In addition I will be preparing for the presentation this Monday and then start on the design report.
Team’s Status Report for 12/5/20
Our main priority for this week was working on the demo. Since we are all back home and are in different time zones, it was fairly hard for us to meet but we were able to effectively plan and practice for our demo. We were able to focus on any final touches needed for integrating our final project and were able to successfully fully demonstrate our progress and project during our demo. For the upcoming week, our main priorities are working on the video and the final presentation.
There were no major risks identified this week and our schedule and existing design of the project has not changed at all.
Albert’s Status Report 12/5/20
This week I added audio Feedback to our application. Instead of only returning written feedback, our application would also return audio feedback. Since the user may be doing a leg raise or pushup and may not be looking at the screen, the audio feedback would allow the user to perfect his or her better. I converted some text to mp3 files and changed the outputs sent to the User Interface. I used Amazon’s Joanne as the audio voice. In terms of the feedback that we received for the live demo, I looked into the skeleton feedback and realized that we I would have to redo a lot of the posture analysis as well as the image processing because we don’t really have the opportunity to re-record the entire workout. Therefore, the best I can do is to feed our current screen recording into the algorithm. However, the screen recording does some processing to the live feed, so the HSV values are not consistent with what it was originally. We realized that it may be too much work to re-record since we are all in different physical locations.
Since the final presentation is this week, I had to create the slides and organize the metrics and testbenchs that I have created in the previous weeks. Also, I am mostly in charge of assembling the final video, so I planned out the time stamps for each section of the video. I distributed the tasks to Venkata and Vishal for them to give me short clips of their portions. I generated diagrams for the posture analysis (shown below).

I also edited the code so that it saves images of what the binary mask looks like after every significant step. These diagrams will help me record the technical portions of image processing and posture analysis. I played around with iMovie to get familiar with it. I created an Ending scene and have started to cut and edit the videos that we want.
Next week, I will mainly be focusing on generating the video. The following week will be to complete the final report.
Venkata’s Status Report for 12/5/20
This past week was focused on working on the UI to be able to demo. I first focused on adding additional features such as the functionality to navigate through the database by adding navigation buttons to grab the appropriate entries as well as adding more functionality to the history trends page so that it combines workouts of the same day and standardizes the y axis. I then focused on cleaning up the UI by creating new icons and adding the ability to highlight the buttons/icons when the user hovers over the various options.
After working on the UI and cleaning up the Workout History Summary and Workout History Trends page, I worked on trying to integrate Spotify into our project. After learning about Spotipy, I was able to create a Developer app that connected with a user’s Spotify account to allow app to modify the user’s playback state by pausing/playing/skipping the current song and allow our app to identify the name of the current song. We were also considering cleaning up the authentication flow but after our demo, we decided that we should focus on other aspects and so, I simply worked with Vishal to create a simple UI for the Spotify section and began working on the other deliverables.
I am on track with the schedule. For the upcoming week, I plan on focusing on the various deliverables such as working on the final presentation and providing Albert with the various video/audio files he needs to successfully integrate our various sections for our final video. I will then work on the final report the week after that.