This week I was able to make a decent amount of progress in the user interface application, as well a bit in terms of integration. I worked on actually implementing the calorie estimator as well as the heart rate estimator. I used my previous calorie formulas and data to keep track of calories burned during both rest as well as different workouts. I had to a do a bit of new research for heart rate but found out a proper value using the following formula and table.
Heart Rate = (Heart Rate Reserve)*(MET Reserve Percentage)
I also refined a few bugs in the workout page such as the pausing and timing for that, as well as having transitions between different workouts and changing the heart rate/calorie estimation.
I also worked a bit on integration with both Albert and Venkata. With the hardware I was able to work with the pyserial library and receive and send data from the captured images. I also was able to integrate the posture analysis in a naive and basic manner and have feedback shown in the workout summary at the end. In terms of schedule I am still on track to complete on time, but I will still be prioritizing integration over the database.