Status Report 8(11.10-11.16)


  1. We are on schedule.
  2. There are no risks involved in this stage of the work.
  3. We are all progressing.

Ruohai Ge and Zheng Xu

  1. We set up the mounting and the physical environment for the camera
  2. We used iphone sensors to find out the transformation matrix to match the camera frame coordinates to real-world coordinates and did not work.
  3. We then found an online ROS environment to calibrate the camera using AR-tag
  4. We set up the environment for this ROS pick and place library and installed all the dependencies successfully
  5. Find the correct size of Ar-tag and measure all the distances
  6. Have the camera transformation
  7. Schedule: on time
  8. Deliverable for next week:
    1. Figure out the transform from the camera frame coordinates to real-world coordinates.
    2. Fine-tune the vision pipeline to predict designated points
    3. Integrate the mobile platform and the vision pipeline

Xingsheng Wang

  1. Fixed all the hardware issues of the mobile platform.
  2. The mobile platform is able to move in directions given by the bluetooth packet, but it does not stop at the indicated position. I am looking into this issue now.
  3. I am on schedule right now. Next week the mobile platform will be able to move to dedicated positions with PID control.