Weekly Status Report #1: 9/15-9/22


This first week, I mostly worked on the project presentation that we had to give on Wednesday. I spent most of my time investigating how the components that go into our project fit together and the details of what the computer vision and image processing components of our project will look like. I researched into if we would need to create our own dataset, resources for helping us determine the extent to which we would be able to use OpenCV and Tesseract to perform the text recognition, and setting up OpenCV.

In this coming week, I will be installing all the necessary components required for running OpenCV on my laptop, then beginning to write the image processing framework that our page images would be passed to from the camera. I would also like to try testing out use of Tesseract.



After pivoting our idea last weekend I wrote up the new project proposal and spent most of this week working on parts of and editing our presentation slides, and researching what components we’d need and how we might go about integrating them. After meeting with Sam earlier this week and discussing Raspberry Pi hats I spent time compiling a preliminary parts list including a raspberry pi, motors + chain (for conveyor belt + lifting pages mechanism), camera, camera extension cord, speaker, mic, breadboard, cables, and some hats/breakout boards to be able to get this all going!

In the coming week, I plan to finalize the parts list and put in some orders  and begin research on how I would load drivers for the components so I might be able to already have that ready when they arrive.



This week I researched implementations of the page-turning device (my links of this research are some of the ones in slide 5 of the Project Proposal Presentation).  I spent most of the week working on the Project Proposal Presentation that we gave on Wednesday’s class. I have also looked into potential parts to buy for the construction of this device, and how people have constructed projector stands, as that is the design idea I want to use in building the stand for the camera.

Link showing projector stand setup (specifically looking at for how pivot works in stand):


We are a little behind in terms of ordering parts, which we are attempting to remedy on Monday, by deciding to purchase some initial smaller parts so we can test them out before we construct the actual page-turning device.

By next week I hope to have a partially completed technical design of the entire page turning device and camera stand.

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