Johnny Tian’s Status Report


  1. All updated parts printed
    1. updated batter pack: make it slightly bigger to allow the battery smoothly sliding in and out for charging and plugging cords.
    2. update pi casing: make it wider and longer to fit in the cables.
  2. bike assembled (picture in team status report)
    1. cable sorted to prevent tangle with wheels.
    2. Heat shrinked all connection points to prevent shorting with other parts.
    3. Additional nuts installed in pi casing to allow more stable top board display.


  1. Finished Assembling hardware and electrical soldering
  2. Finished printing parts
  3. Finished All cads

Plan for Next Wek

  1. Make Poster
  2. Make final report
  3. Prepare backup parts in case accidents
  4. Water-proof bike after testing.


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