Risk and Plans
We are trying to bring more components of the project together. Some current tasks are making sure the software bring-ups are successful, and that hardware design will fulfill our needs. One of the risks that might jeopardize our progress would be running into issues that we did not expect. For example, the radar software bring-up took a bit longer because we had to resolve some basic UART communication issues that were related to the Pi. In addition, we were trying to find optimal materials for our radar cover, which we did not initially believe to be this time-consuming and challenging. However, it turned out there are a lot of details like the permittivity and the thickness that we need to consider. Such unexpected issues might lead to lengthy delays or, even worse, change of plans. We tried to do as extensive research as possible beforehand to minimize such things from happening, but it is unavoidable like any other engineering project. To mitigate this, we still have our built-in slack time in the project timeline, and we try to dynamically adjust the schedule and plan if needed. The adjustment is based on our MVP requirements. We hope to minimize the impact of unexpected errors by staying on top of the game, and making sure we work through other simple, non-technically intense parts of the project efficiently.
Changes in Design
We do not have any design changes since last week.
Schedule Updates
Here is a screenshot of the Gantt chart as of this week:

Here are the schedule updates since last week:
Completed tasks :
- Initial radar software bringup complete
- UI software mockup complete
- All remaining parts (buttons, magnetometer) have arrived
On track tasks :
- Tuning BSM
- UI software development
- CAD design
Delayed tasks :
- Tuning FCW – Jason may not have time to complete this within the next week, we may need to adjust schedule based on discussion – we have also about 1 week of slack time to delay this without delaying electrical/software integration, and even if that is delayed we have a couple of days of additional slack time before bike installation occurs.
- Turn signal development – Turn signal schematics signoff is still incomplete, so we will push to ensure that is done soon. We also have not started on turn signal software development yet – that will result in a delay for that specific task although we have sufficient slack time in the schedule to absorb a delay of ~1 week without affecting downstream tasks