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Buzzwords are terms that are mentioned during lecture which are particularly important to understand thoroughly. This page tracks the buzzwords for each of the lectures and can be used as a reference for finding gaps in your understanding of course material.

Lecture 1 (1/12 Mon.)

  • Level of transformation
    • Algorithm
    • System software
    • Compiler
  • Cross abstraction layers
  • Tradeoffs
  • Caches
  • DRAM/memory controller
  • DRAM banks
  • Row buffer hit/miss
  • Row buffer locality
  • Unfairness
  • Memory performance hog
  • Shared DRAM memory system
  • Streaming access vs. random access
  • Memory scheduling policies
  • Scheduling priority
  • Retention time of DRAM
  • Process variation
  • Retention time profile
  • Power consumption
  • Bloom filter
  • Hamming code
  • Hamming distance
  • DRAM row hammer

Lecture 2 (1/14 Wed.)

  • Moore's Law
  • Algorithm –> step-by-step procedure to solve a problem
  • in-order execution
  • out-of-order execution
  • technologies that are available on cellphones
  • new applications that are made available through new computer architecture techniques
    • more data mining (genomics/medical areas)
  • lower power (cellphones)
  • smaller cores (cellphones/computers)
  • etc.
  • Performance bottlenecks in a single thread/core processors
    • multi-core as an alternative
  • Memory wall (a part of scaling issue)
  • Scaling issue
    • Transister are getting smaller
  • Key components of a computer
  • Design points
    • Design processors to meet the design points
  • Software stack
  • Design decisions
  • Datacenters
  • Reliability problems that cause errors
  • Analogies from Kuhn's “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (Recommended book)
    • Pre paradigm science
    • Normal science
    • Revolutionalry science
  • Components of a computer
    • Computation
      • Communication
      • Storage
        • DRAM
        • NVRAM (Non-volatile memory): PCM, STT-MRAM
        • Storage (Flash/Harddrive)
  • Von Neumann Model (Control flow model)
    • Stored program computer
      • Properties of Von Neumann Model: Stored program, sequential instruction processing
      • Unified memory
        • When does an instruction is being interpreted as an instruction (as oppose to a datum)?
      • Program counter
      • Examples: x86, ARM, Alpha, IBM Power series, SPARC, MIPS
  • Data flow model
    • Data flow machine
      • Data flow graph
    • Operands
    • Live-outs/Live-ins
      • DIfferent types of data flow nodes (conditional/relational/barrier)
    • How to do transactional transaction in dataflow?
      • Example: bank transactions
  • Tradeoffs between control-driven and data-driven
    • What are easier to program?
      • Which are easy to compile?
      • What are more parallel (does that mean it is faster?)
      • Which machines are more complex to design?
    • In control flow, when a program is stop, there is a pointer to the current state (precise state).
  • ISA vs. Microarchitecture
    • Semantics in the ISA
      • uArch should obey the ISA
      • Changing ISA is costly, can affect compatibility.
  • Instruction pointers
  • uArch techniques: common and powerful techniques break Vonn Neumann model if done at the ISA level
    • Conceptual techniques
      • Pipelining
      • Multiple instructions at a time
      • Out-of-order executions
      • etc.
        • Design techniques
          • Adder implementation (Bit serial, ripple carry, carry lookahead)
          • Connection machine (an example of a machine that use bit serial to tradeoff latency for more parallelism)
  • Microprocessor: ISA + uArch + circuits
  • What are a part of the ISA? Instructions, memory, etc.
    • Things that are visible to the programmer/software
  • What are not a part of the ISA? (what goes inside: uArch techniques)
    • Things that are not suppose to be visible to the programmer/software but typically make the processor faster and/or consumes less power and/or less complex

Lecture 3 (1/17 Fri.)

  • Microarchitecture
  • Three major tradeoffs of computer architecture
  • Macro-architecture
  • LC-3b ISA
  • Unused instructions
  • Bit steering
  • Instruction processing style
  • 0,1,2,3 address machines
  • Stack machine
  • Accumulator machine
  • 2-operand machine
  • 3-operand machine
  • Tradeoffs between 0,1,2,3 address machines
  • Postfix notation
  • Instructions/Opcode/Operade specifiers (i.e. addressing modes)
  • Simply vs. complex data type (and their tradeoffs)
  • Semantic gap and level
  • Translation layer
  • Addressability
  • Byte/bit addressable machines
  • Virtual memory
  • Big/little endian
  • Benefits of having registers (data locality)
  • Programmer visible (Architectural) state
  • Programmers can access this directly
  • What are the benefits?
  • Microarchitectural state
  • Programmers cannot access this directly
  • Evolution of registers (from accumulators to registers)
  • Different types of instructions
  • Control instructions
  • Data instructions
  • Operation instructions
  • Addressing modes
  • Tradeoffs (complexity, flexibility, etc.)
  • Orthogonal ISA
  • Addressing modes that are orthogonal to instruction types
  • I/O devices
  • Vectored vs. non-vectored interrupts
  • Complex vs. simple instructions
  • Tradeoffs
  • RISC vs. CISC
  • Tradeoff
  • Backward compatibility
  • Performance
  • Optimization opportunity
  • Translation

Lecture 4 (1/21 Wed.)

  • Fixed vs. variable length instruction
  • Huffman encoding
  • Uniform vs. non-uniform decode
  • Registers
    • Tradeoffs between number of registers
  • Alignments
    • How does MIPS load words across alignment the boundary

Lecture 5 (1/26 Mon.)

  • Tradeoffs in ISA: Instruction length
    • Uniform vs. non-uniform
  • Design point/Use cases
    • What dictates the design point?
  • Architectural states
  • uArch
    • How to implement the ISA in the uArch
  • Different stages in the uArch
  • Clock cycles
  • Multi-cycle machine
  • Datapath and control logic
    • Control signals
  • Execution time of instructions/program
    • Metrics and what do they means
  • Instruction processing
    • Fetch
    • Decode
    • Execute
    • Memory fetch
    • Writeback
  • Encoding and semantics
  • Different types of instructions (I-type, R-type, etc.)
  • Control flow instructions
  • Non-control flow instructions
  • Delayed slot/Delayed branch
  • Single cycle control logic
  • Lockstep
  • Critical path analysis
    • Critical path of a single cycle processor
  • What is in the control signals?
    • Combinational logic & Sequential logic
  • Control store
  • Tradeoffs of a single cycle uarch
  • Design principles
    • Common case design
    • Critical path design
    • Balanced designs
    • Dynamic power/Static power
      • Increases in power due to frequency

Lecture 6 (1/28 Mon.)

  • Design principles
    • Common case design
    • Critical path design
    • Balanced designs
  • Multi cycle design
  • Microcoded/Microprogrammed machines
    • States
    • Translation from one state to another
    • Microinstructions
    • Microsequencing
    • Control store - Product control signals
    • Microsequencer
    • Control signal
      • What do they have to control?
  • Instruction processing cycle
  • Latch signals
  • State machine
  • State variables
  • Condition code
  • Steering bits
  • Branch enable logic
  • Difference between gating and loading? (write enable vs. driving the bus)
  • Memory mapped I/O
  • Hardwired logic
    • What control signals come from hardwired logic?
  • Variable latency memory
  • Handling interrupts
  • Difference betwen interrupts and exceptions
  • Emulator (i.e. uCode allots minimal datapath to emulate the ISA)
  • Updating machine behavior
  • Horizontal microcode
  • Vertical microcode
  • Primitives

Lecture 7 (1/30 Fri.)

  • Emulator (i.e. uCode allots minimal datapath to emulate the ISA)
  • Updating machine behavior
  • Horizontal microcode
  • Vertical microcode
  • Primitives
  • nanocode and millicode
    • what are the differences between nano/milli/microcode
  • microprogrammed vs. hardwire control
  • Pipelining
  • Limitations of the multi-programmed design
    • Idle resources
  • Throughput of a pipelined design
    • What dictacts the throughput of a pipelined design?
  • Latency of the pipelined design
  • Dependency
  • Overhead of pipelining
    • Latch cost?
  • Data forwarding/bypassing
  • What are the ideal pipeline?
  • External fragmentation
  • Issues in pipeline designs
    • Stalling
      • Dependency (Hazard)
        • Flow dependence
        • Output dependence
        • Anti dependence
        • How to handle them?
    • Resource contention
    • Keeping the pipeline full
    • Handling exception/interrupts
    • Pipeline flush
    • Speculation

Lecture 8 (2/2 Mon.)

  • Interlocking
  • Multipath execution
  • Fine grain multithreading
  • No-op (Bubbles in the pipeline)
  • Valid bits in the instructions
  • Branch prediction
  • Different types of data dependence
  • Pipeline stalls
    • bubbles
    • How to handle stalls
    • Stall conditions
    • Stall signals
    • Dependences
      • Distant between dependences
    • Data forwarding/bypassing
    • Maintaining the correct dataflow
  • Different ways to design data forwarding path/logic
  • Different techniques to handle interlockings
    • SW based
    • HW based
  • Profiling
    • Static profiling
    • Helps from the software (compiler)
      • Superblock optimization
      • Analyzing basic blocks
  • How to deal with branches?
    • Branch prediction
    • Delayed branching (branch delay slot)
    • Forward control flow/backward control flow
    • Branch prediction accuracy
  • Profile guided code positioning
    • Based on the profile info. position the code based on it
    • Try to make the next sequential instruction be the next inst. to be executed
  • Predicate combining (combine predicate for a branch instruction)
  • Predicated execution (control dependence becomes data dependence)

Lecture 9 (2/4 Wed.)

* Predicate combining (combine predicate for a branch instruction)
* Predicated execution (control dependence becomes data dependence)
* Definition of basic blocks
* Control flow graph
* Delayed branching
  * benefit?
  * What does it eliminates?
  * downside?
  * Delayed branching in SPARC (with squashing)
  * Backward compatibility with the delayed slot
  * What should be filled in the delayed slot
  * How to ensure correctness
* Fine-grained multithreading
  * fetch from different threads 
  * What are the issues (what if the program doesn't have many threads)
  * CDC 6000
  * Denelcor HEP
  * No dependency checking
  * Inst. from different thread can fill-in the bubbles
  * Cost?
* Simulteneuos multithreading
* Branch prediction
  * Guess what to fetch next.
  * Misprediction penalty
  * Need to guess the direction and target
  * How to perform the performance analysis?
    * Given the branch prediction accuracy and penalty cost, how to compute a cost of a branch misprediction.
    * Given the program/number of instructions, percent of branches, branch prediction accuracy and penalty cost, how to compute a cost coming from branch mispredictions.
      * How many extra instructions are being fetched?
      * What is the performance degredation?
  * How to reduce the miss penalty?
  * Predicting the next address (non PC+4 address)
  * Branch target buffer (BTB)
    * Predicting the address of the branch
  * Global branch history - for directions
  * Can use compiler to profile and get more info
    * Input set dictacts the accuracy
    * Add time to compilation
  * Heuristics that are common and doesn't require profiling.
    * Might be inaccurate
    * Does not require profiling
  * Static branch prediction
    * Pregrammer provides pragmas, hinting the likelihood of taken/not taken branch
    * For example, x86 has the hint bit
  * Dynamic branch prediction
    * Last time predictor
    * Two bits counter based prediction
      * One more bit for hysteresis
buzzword.1423077824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 19:23 by rachata