Sumayya’s Status Report for 3/30

Progress Update:

From Last Week:

  • Implement button actions using gesture recognition – done
  • Implement Swipe Gesture only in a region of interest – done
    • currently this has only been implemented for functionality and not integrated into TC

I completed the integration for gestures and hand tracking. Now my feature can take in a button location on the frame and then check if that button is being pressed. It can also check if there is a swipe motion in a specific region to indicate a next and prev action. I added a publisher/subscriber implementation that bridges communication between the main controller module and the CV module. Essentially, once the CV module detects a gesture, it sends a message with the corresponding command the  to the CV topic.

Video of Button Press:

Schedule: On Track!

Next Week Plans:

  • Set up camera with system
  • Test buttons and hand tracking with livestream video
  • Test reID with livestream video
  • integrate object tracking with camera / livestream
    • Re-define how much to track and what user will see
  • Start processing the recipe



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