Ricky’s Status Report for 4/27/2024

This week, I did some brief work in finalizing some metrics for the ML model. This included some rigorous testing into the real-time performance and the test-time performance. I was also able to develop confusion matrices on some data to get a better picture for how the model is working. I am also pretty confident in my final ML model design with the addition of some more words into the second model to allow for more refined predictions. I also briefly tested the model with the PCB as made by Ria. However, the performance of the model is inconsistent, which I believe is due to the fact that the PCB is currently being secured by tape. I will hope to continue testing once the PCB is more reliably secured, but we always have the original protoboard as a backup plan which I will propose if needed. I also spent a decent chunk of time working on the poster. This tied nicely with the metrics that I found. I also wrote out the start of the final report which will hopefully have us finishing before demo day.

My progress is on schedule with the slight caveat that I am waiting for the PCB design to be finalized. I foresee that minimal adjustments will need to be made once that is attached but we will have to wait and see.

Next week, I hope to quickly finalize our demo day product. Finish the report and video and present on demo day.

Ricky’s Status Report for 4/20/2024

This week, my main task was debugging our issues with the machine learning model. During the carnival, I trained some preliminary models, but their performance was not that good in real time. To compensate for this issue, I tested a variety of architectures as well as new activation functions. I also manually selected the new words that I determined were more easily mixed up and created a smaller simpler model for just those words. This allowed me to develop a two-model approach to classification that leveraged the original model’s strength at half of the vocab and the more narrow model’s strength for the rest. I also developed a model that handled time series data by stitching in the previous five frames of data as one input into the NN model. Armed with the variety of models, I entered this weekend with the plan of testing them all. I was able to determine that the two-model approach performed the best, being able to determine 10/11 of the words consistently. This was not a 100% rigorous set of tests, but it gave me enough metrics to assist with our final presentation slides, so I was content with that performance as of now.

My progress is on schedule.

Next week, I will narrow down which model I will use for our final demo with a more rigorous and formal testing of the two approaches. I will also assist in the development of the poster by adding additional pictures from the ML side. I will also assist with the video and the report.

Addressing the additional question, I definitely needed to relearn how to work with ARDUINOs and learn about how to interface between ARDUINO and Python. Since I handled the bulk of the Bluetooth and the machine learning side, I did need to handle a lot of the communication between the two platforms. This meant that I had to consult many pages of ARDUINO documentation as well as perform extensive research into compatible Python libraries. For learning strategies, most of it was on reading documentation and reading StackOverflow. I did watch a few videos of other example projects for assistance as well.

Ricky’s Status report for 4/6/2024

Most of the week, I was focused on collecting data and everything data-related. At the start of the week, we initially tried to start collecting data. However, there were some issues with the left glove. This ranged from some of the wire connections being loose to various parts of the flex sensor being caught in the string. I assisted in hashing those out and added my opinion about additional changes. While this happened, I adjusted the scripts to handle the two streams of data from the gloves. Then, once everything was set, we collected data for both me and Somya. We collected for the whole BSL alphabet which included 26 letters and an additional sign for the resting state. With around 1200 points for each letter, we were able to collect a total dataset of size 64800. I also handled cleaning up the data and visualizing it before we train a model with it next week.

Ideally, we would’ve also collected data for Ria, but due to time constraints, we were unable to. I believe that the best course of action is to proceed with this slightly smaller dataset and collect more if the performance is not good enough. With that in mind, I am on schedule.

Next week, I will develop a new ML model with the data we collected, evaluate performance, and make any additional changes as needed. I do foresee potential classification issues with several letters of the BSL alphabet, but I will hopefully discuss that with my partners on Monday. We might need to curate our vocabulary more rigorously or find another solution if the ML model does not reach our desired accuracy metrics. I will hopefully be performing verification tests next week to ensure both the accuracy and speed of the ML model and the overall classification system.

Ricky’s Status Report for 3/30/2024

This week I did a whole restructuring of our codebase. Originally, we had the Bluetooth and USB scripts written in the same file. But for ease of use, I decided to refactor the code so that the pattern in many parts of the code was separated. I also spent the bulk of the week fixing our Bluetooth system. When running the bleak package, I realized that its performance was very inconsistent for my Windows laptop. Further research identified that Bleak was not fully developed for Windows. As a result, I was forced to look into other Bluetooth packages. I eventually found the simplepyble package. I was able to integrate it and test that it properly connects to our gloves and ARDUINO. However, further tests showed that it was incompatible with the pyttsx3 package. This was because the prior demands a multi-threaded setting while the latter demands a single-threaded setting. I eventually found another speech package “win32com.client” using the Dispatch object. This worked! I integrated the Bluetooth, Speaker, and ML systems and did some benchmarking for performance. Quick tests identified that the time from sign to speech for USB is around 0.6 seconds and Bluetooth is 0.82 seconds. There are some quick hyperparameter checks that we can change to improve time performance at the risk of accuracy which we will look into later. I also helped assemble the circuit for the second glove. Please look below for our public repository for the codebase or future reference: TStar111/EchoSign (github.com)

The schedule is right on schedule.

Next week, the bulk of the time will be spent on collecting data. If time permits, I will start training and benchmarking the ML model.


Ricky’s Status Report for 3/23/2024

At the start of the week, I handled the training of the model with the dataset that we collected from the previous week. I was able to train a simple NN architecture to a high level of test accuracy. (See below for training visualization). Afterward, I was able to go back and test real-time performance. I didn’t test to a rigorous degree but I was able to replicate a high degree of performance on the glove as well. I was also able to quickly check the speed of the ML classification step. This step identified that the inference step takes an infinitesimal amount of time. This allows me to meet my design requirements of an accuracy above 90% and inference time of less than 25ms. I also took some time to add an additional classification heuristic on top of the ML model. This was implemented using an additional wrapper on the ML model, which checks for repeated occurrences of the same letter before firm prediction. I also added speaker capabilities from the pyttsx3 library in Python. I also spent a significant portion of the week debugging Bluetooth capabilities. We faced specific limitations due to our laptop not being Linux, but we were eventually able to identify the Bleak library as a reliable source for Bluetooth capability.

My progress is on schedule, though I anticipate that I will have less time next week due to upcoming exams.

Next week, I hope to assist with the development of the second glove as needed. I hope to also establish Bluetooth communication between the two gloves and the laptop at the same time. I will also hope to figure out what we plan on doing with the speaker. If time permits, I hope to start collecting data from the two-glove setup next week.

Ricky’s Status Report for 3/16/2024

This week, I had a hand in multiple elements of our project. I was primarily responsible for the software end things. I finalized the data collection script on the ARDUINO side. I also wrote several scripts to clean up our dataset once we were able to collect the data. I wrote some scripts that allowed for the plotting of the dataset for us to understand how the signings are different from each other. I was also able to test and revise my python scripts that received the ARDUINO data which allowed for successful data collection. I also assisted in glove fabrication. I helped debug issues with the ARDUINO including high source voltage and verifying the ADC. I also assisted Somya in attaching the sensors to the glove. Then, once the glove was ready we spent a decent chunk of time collecting around 30,000 datapoints across the three of us.

My progress is on schedule given the overall pushback of the project.

Over the weekend, I hope to train both NN and SVM using the collected data over the weekend. The plan is to have them trained by Tuesday/Wednesday and present the results to my teammates.

Ricky’s Status Report for 3/9/2024

This week, I primarily worked on the design document. I was responsible for large chunks of the text regarding the machine learning training/testing and the data collection and labeling. I touched upon the use-case requirements, some design trade studies, and big parts of the system implementation and testing. Additionally, I also finalized what would be appropriate for EDA. Specifically, I want to be able to graph the average values of each sensor for each letter and also calculate relevant summary statistics like mean, median, variation, etc.

The software development is on schedule but the actual data collection component is a bit behind. I will just wait for the glove to be developed to catch up. I will keep working on the software until then.

Next week, I will hopefully help assemble the glove and data collection. I will also implement the EDA stated above as well as finish off the last two ML model training modes.

Ricky’s Status Report for 2/24/2024

This week, I primarily focused on implementing the script that will train an NN architecture and save the model for future inference use. This implementation has a variety of features including variable choices of input data, cross-validation raining to identify the optimal stepsize, and usage of the wandb package to track training performance through the epochs. I have also implemented the SVM model trainer. This was pretty straightforward with a heavy dependence on the sklearn package. I also tuned up the data collection for an automated collection of 26 letters in one shot. I performed some research into pre-training data analysis based on my “Estimation, Detection, and Learning” class. Based on the research, I added some potential action items to prepare a clean dataset. 

I am on schedule as of right now.

Next week, I hope to put significant work into the design document. In addition, I hope to flesh out a robust testing module, finalize dataset analysis, and begin collecting data with the glove (dependent on the glove’s progress).

Ricky’s Status Report for 2/17/2024

My main task for this week was to prepare slides for the design presentation. About this, I added more input into which ML models we would use, how much data we would need, how to collect the data, and the general data flow. I also set up GitHub and added the general file structure for the different scripts we would need. This includes gathering data, training the model, testing the model, and the general runtime routine. I also wrote the first draft of the script that is responsible for collecting the data via Bluetooth. I also revamped our entire Gantt chart to reflect the changes to our development cycle (prototypes). I am continuing to think about how we will store the saved models so that different models can be loaded based on the demo goals (NN, SVM, vocabulary)

My progress is on schedule.

Next week, I hope to draft up the scripts for training the various ML models. I hope to also finalize where we will store the models and how to reuse them when they have been thoroughly trained. I will also set up the testing routine to evaluate the performance of the models. I will also explore automatic testing for optimal hyperparameters. I will also assist in developing the physical glove as well as add my input to the way the data should be formatted from the glove

Ricky’s Status Report for 2/10/2024

This week, I primarily focused on researching how the ML model will be incorporated into the design. The first major issue I looked into was the logistics of collecting the training data. Recall that we will be collecting our dataset to train the model. Past similar projects don’t offer too much information about this. Instead, I came up with the idea of using a Python script to automate collecting sensor readings while another person signs a specific word. Then, after exporting to an Excel file, we can go back and systematically label all the data with the specific word label. This is probably the plan for now and will be adjusted based on its performance when we get to that stage. I also considered additional processing on the input before the ML. Past projects seemed to preprocess the flex sensor output to a predetermined range of angle values. I believe that this is something worth looking into and will add that to our design, and have the raw input as a backup plan. Processing outputs is something I also took inspiration from previous projects. They used a general heuristic of requiring repeated patterns of the same predicted word before speaker output. I believe that this idea will also help us cut down false positives when the signer is in a transition state. In summary, I was able to narrow down the complexity and logistics of using the ML model for prediction.

My progress is on schedule. I am confident that I will wrap up the planning and design logistics soon.

Next week, I hope to present my ML findings to my partners and start working on the design slides that are focused on the ML model. I will also look into writing a Python script for data collection based on the glove compute that we decide on. I will also need to look into Bluetooth modules for Python.