I finished fabrication of the second glove as well as work on debugging the transmission of the bluetooth data from the Arduino to the laptop that is running the Python script used to collect the data and compress into a csv file. In addition, I brainstormed various ways we can remove the laptop as being a required component of our final demo.
My progress is on schedule, but we are slightly behind on the testing of the double glove due to waiting for the second Arduino BLE compute unit to arrive. Once it does arrive however, we should have all the moving parts in place to begin testing integration of data from both gloves immediately. In the meantime we are collectively working on other features like the speaker and haptic feedback, as well as cleaning up of noisy data to improve the ML model.
This next week, I hope to finish the circuit with both the speaker and haptic feedback, as well as be fully finished collecting data for the BSL double-handed alphabet so I can see what issues the synchronization of the two input streams brings and start debugging that.