David’s Status Report for 3/23/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week was the week of the Ethics Lecture. As such, I spent out first class discussing ethics with other teams regarding our and their projects. In regards to the project, the camera has been running into issues, causing concurrent work to be difficult. I set up an entirely new Raspberry Pi, going through the process of connecting it to wifi, and installing a (correct!) Bullseye OS. In terms of actual progress, I installed VNC Viewer onto the RPi, allowing for remote work to the RPi, making it much less of a hassle of needing to always have a spare monitor and keyboard with me. I set up SSH and successfully got scp commands to work from my own computer (the non-VNC Viewer desktop), meaning that there is a successful established connection with the RPi from our “Local Base” information computer in our final design.

It turns out that setting up the new RPi also made progress with the camera, allowing us to control the camera, but unfortunately the camera video data still has issues. That work is still to be done by my teammates. As of writing this post, I am still working on working out the correct JSON commands to send to the rover. Also, the new smaller batteries for the rover came in!


My progress is still somewhat on track, though dragged notably behind by the lack of being able to work concurrently on the project as my teammates. By setting up a whole new RPi, I have managed to set my work progress back on target. The camera video data is still a concern.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, before our meeting with Prof. Kim, I plan to have the rover be successfully controlled using programming; in other words, sort out the exact JSON commands needed to move the rover. While this is similar to last week’s goals, it mostly stems from being diverted to helping with the camera and being stalled on my own side. The end-to-end version of the rover is still a stretch goal, due to the troubles with a camera, but still a very important deliverable to try and achieve.

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