Ronit’s Status Report for 2/10/2024

Tasks accomplished this week

This week, I primarily worked on the presentation for our project proposal with my partners Nina and David. I worked on designing the flowchart, project schedule, and actual presentation slides (6+ hours) in collaboration with them. Additionally, I handled some logistics like setting up our repository and researching drones with a SDK suitable for our purposes (2+ hours). I also worked on started researching the YOLO detection algorithm and how I want to implement the load balancing algorithm (2+ hours). For our purposes, a round robin load balancing algorithm would be ideal, so I started implementing this in Go. I also worked on connecting my IDE with the GHC machines (3+ hours).


I was able to get a sufficient amount of work done with the load balancing algorithm and would say that I’m ahead of my schedule.

Deliverables for next week

For next week, I am going to work on the load balancing algorithm more and complete it. I also want to write unit tests to completely test the algorithm’s functionality, and I also want to go ahead and start implementing the YOLO detection algorithm as per schedule.

Nina’s Status Report For 2/10/24

Accomplished Tasks


This week I was in charge of presenting our first capstone presentation. I spent part of the week working on the presentation slides as well as prepping for the presentation itself. After receiving feedback from the professor about finding a drone with a builtin API, I researched some contacts from the robotics department in order to get some advice on available drones to program as well as if they have leftover inventory of them. In addition, I stuck to my gantt chart and have begun creating the Django website base for our capstone and have looked into how to incorporate FastAPI and GeoDjango to get a live video feed for our drone footage and create a GPS interface.



I am still on schedule, I hope to speed up the process of figuring out a GPS interface since I’m still considering whether to use GeoDjango or Geolocation API for the feature.


Next Week’s Deliverables

I need to be able to test and complete the live stream ability from a URL as well as find an object to test for the GPS tracking interface in case the drone doesn’t come in time.